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AkaneTori t1_iwaz4p0 wrote

Reply to comment by camdoodlebop in Ai art is a mixed bag by Nintell

I think it's close, but certainly different. I'd sooner compare it to the invention of 3d modeling and animation, and how that's become a necessary skill in all art jobs whether you specialize in it or not.

I see a future where all concept artists will have to know Python if anything, but honestly it might also be a future where most creative jobs are sucked up and instead everyone is just an art director.

If you ask me, the most important thing right now is that artists try to actually take control of this stuff and learn how to steer it correctly so we don't get trampled by people who have no artistic history at all, which is less a concern about individuals wanting to make comics and shit and more about corporations snatching up literally all possible story ideas without actually making something of substance like how patent companies do with inventions.