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[deleted] OP t1_iw7yynh wrote

Listen, I’m strongly opposed to the modern GOP, but calling them a fascist dictatorship is just as painfully stupid to hear as Republicans calling the moderate left socialists and communists


CaberTosser_ t1_iw85xxd wrote

I love how Americans love to dehumanise each other over politicians that are bankrolled by corporates. Interesting.


ihateshadylandlords t1_iw7zsfs wrote

No, because the left wing and right wing belong to the same bird.


CaptTheFool t1_iw7zm2k wrote

We are already living in a facist dystopia for decades by now. Politcs are just a show to make the masses think they have any saying on what happens to their country.


The real powerful people govern trough the shadows, pupetting both sides and laughting at the common folk. And I'm not talking about bilionaries or bankers, they also have to answer to the secret lords.


TemetN t1_iw80gra wrote

You're at once giving them too much and too little credit, while it's unusual to see a midterm result like this, it doesn't (for now at least) appear to have ended Trumpism in the GOP. Ended Trump perhaps, but that's not the same thing. And honestly, I sincerely doubt they'd have managed to get anything done except propaganda without the presidency anyways. As it is, as sad as it sounds, we're going to have to keep voting ad nauseum against this nonsense until people drop the whole attacks on democracy idea.


On the plus side, the participation is an implicit endorsement of American democracy though. In a lot of ways this is a sort of 'social trust' issue. Democracy is basically just people willing to work through the system, which requires expecting the system to be at least minimally above the board.


Yanutag t1_iw820ae wrote

Avoided lol.


pls_pls_me t1_iw833en wrote

I think Conservatives are more likely to reach out and try to block/undermine AI rather than use it for evil


Lawjarp2 t1_iw817fr wrote

If you think that then you are brainwashed. Left wing/Right wing media show pick stories that promote their own narratives. Laws made to help some completely ignore harm being made to others. Worse they think the other side should just take it and bear the pain.


v202099 t1_iw81bdp wrote

What makes you think that whatever the result was, it would have any difference on the dystopia we are heading towards?
