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Onlymediumsteak t1_iwgpqmj wrote

Seriously doubt this, the article you shared is from January and the consortiums website doesn’t even have an entry for it.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwgse3v wrote

So its just hype / fake news then? Damn i was rly hopeful


ihateshadylandlords t1_iwh691i wrote

Yep, there’s a lot of fluff when it comes to tech/AI unfortunately.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwh8q99 wrote

I get why they publish hype articles but its annoying bc i get excited and then im like hang on its probably hype


Shelfrock77 t1_iwgzlqt wrote

Happens 3 months later


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwgzscx wrote



Talkat t1_iwh8xhm wrote

If you are seeing such progress why is your agi estimates late 2040's?


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwh9iwg wrote

because imo thats more realistic than a lot of predictions on here, even tho im probably being too optimistic


AsuhoChinami t1_iwjzrp5 wrote

Wow, you're... so unbelievably clueless. Late 2040s? And you think that's optimistic? It's like you're stuck in 2010. What in the actual hell did I just read.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwki498 wrote

No offence but 2040s seems more realistic than a lot of predictions on here, sry but were not gonna have agi this decade (would love to be wrong tho) and we are also not having asi next month! (I actually saw someone on here saying that!!!)


-ZeroRelevance- t1_iwl3r6v wrote

I’m curious why you don’t think we’ll have AGI before then. The computational bottlenecks should be solved by the end of this decade, and there’s certainly no shortage of good ideas at the moment. Given that, the way I see it, early-mid 2030s seems to be a pretty reasonable estimate.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwl88y2 wrote

Idk i could be wrong and i hope i am but it just doesn't seem like were gonna have agi before then.


AsuhoChinami t1_iwm7tb2 wrote

There's no "could" to it. Your opinion is completely and utterly mind-boggling. Words can't describe just how completely bad and wrong your take is. It's like the last time you paid attention to the field was 2009 or something.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwmglge wrote

ok so maybe my prediction is pessimistic but its more realistic than saying were gonna have agi in a few years like a lot of ppl here say


AsuhoChinami t1_iwmo19v wrote

That's actually not unrealistic at all. I know some incredibly well-informed people who say that, up to and including the higher-ups of OpenAI. You don't have to change your mind but the "20s AGI" opinion is absolutely not as ridiculous as you think, or even ridiculous at all.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwmquqa wrote

Like i said i hope my prediction is wrong and we get agi sooner


AsuhoChinami t1_iwnel0p wrote

I'll back off then, just say you have good stuff to look forward to.


Talkat t1_iwpgapo wrote

Can you share more of what the good folks over at openai have said?


AsuhoChinami t1_iwm7zan wrote

ASI next month is of course silly, but your prediction is equally silly, just in the opposite direction.


DukkyDrake t1_iwiz5m3 wrote

Tachyum Prodigy Offers 128 AI Exaflops for Slovakia’s €70M World Fastest AI Supercomputer

>The datacenter footprint of the Air-Cooled Prodigy Supercomputer is 107 racks of computer nodes and 10 racks of storage. The Liquid-Cooled Prodigy-based Supercomputer is 48 racks of computer nodes and 10 racks of storage. Future deployment of a modular supercomputer on the first generation Tachyum Prodigy platform is scalable up to 4 DP exaflop and 1 AI Zetaflop at less than 70 megawatts for only 500 million EUR.

>The Prodigy-enabled Slovakian supercomputer would be in AI 7x more powerful than the NVIDIA Eos, which is anticipated to provide 18.4 exaflops, and over 25x more powerful than the Fugaku Supercomputer, which is currently the world’s fastest. Tachyum rack-based solutions offer comparatively more powerful performance than Tesla Dojo and the Cineca MARCONI100 computing systems, which are ranked among the largest and most powerful supercomputers today.

I even found an older reference to the proj in an article from 2020 "Slovakia aims to build world’s fastest AI supercomputer, Technology News By Nick Flaherty"