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AsuhoChinami t1_iwm7tb2 wrote

There's no "could" to it. Your opinion is completely and utterly mind-boggling. Words can't describe just how completely bad and wrong your take is. It's like the last time you paid attention to the field was 2009 or something.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwmglge wrote

ok so maybe my prediction is pessimistic but its more realistic than saying were gonna have agi in a few years like a lot of ppl here say


AsuhoChinami t1_iwmo19v wrote

That's actually not unrealistic at all. I know some incredibly well-informed people who say that, up to and including the higher-ups of OpenAI. You don't have to change your mind but the "20s AGI" opinion is absolutely not as ridiculous as you think, or even ridiculous at all.


Phoenix5869 OP t1_iwmquqa wrote

Like i said i hope my prediction is wrong and we get agi sooner


AsuhoChinami t1_iwnel0p wrote

I'll back off then, just say you have good stuff to look forward to.


Talkat t1_iwpgapo wrote

Can you share more of what the good folks over at openai have said?