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GreenSuspect t1_iwi3ea7 wrote

> Earth has enough space to populate a hundred billion of humans more and there will still be more than enough.

Are you serious? Where are you getting that from?

"The majority of studies estimate that the Earth's capacity is at or beneath 8 billion people."

"It would take 1.75 Earths to sustain our current population. If current trends continue, we will reach 3 Earths by the year 2050."

"At the global scale, scientific data indicates that humans are living beyond the carrying capacity of planet Earth and that this cannot continue indefinitely."

"In a recent Nature Sustainability paper, a team of scientists concluded that the Earth can sustain, at most, only 7 billion people at subsistence levels of consumption … Achieving ‘high life satisfaction’ for everyone, however, would transgress the Earth’s biophysical boundaries, leading to ecological collapse."

> Problem of food? Food synthesis on a larger scale, it's good for the environment and it provides the same nutritional value as its organic counterpart without the need to spill any blood for it.

Why the fuck would you want that? We should have a sustainable population leading awesome lives, not an enormous overcrowded population eking out a shitty meager existence