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blueSGL t1_iwlh1in wrote

> where I can never find unique personal purpose or fulfillment in a hobby because a machine can do it better or faster


Hobbies are done because people enjoy the activity and fruits of their labor, either the activity has no path to profit (Money goes in > Enjoyment comes out) or when these activities do go up against professionals doing the same activity with much higher quality tools, experience and better 'final product' the hobbyist chooses to do them anyway. People play instruments even though they will never make it into a symphony orchestra, do wood working who will never be a named brand furniture designer.
People tend gardens, race RC cars, go paint balling, rock climbing, do knitting, collect stamps, watch trains, watch birds, draw, paint, mess with electronics, build sculptures, go fishing, golfing, cosplay, etc... For the times where there actually are professional equivalents to the hobby, swap those out for an AI and I really don't see the difference.


many-such-cases t1_iwmczbu wrote

Ok, now address all my other points.

Also, setting hobbies aside for a moment, the fact that human artists, authors, songwriters etc will be replaced should be seen as a human tragedy. It’s sad to think that great creative individuals from Picasso to Paul McCartney will just be seen as a type of human from eras past, as even if you did write and record your own album in 2040 (let’s say for example), even if your songs were great enough that they would make you regarded as a legend in any other time period, people will assume you just used AI to make them - even if you didn’t.

Genuine human creative greatness will be completely disregarded - I don’t see that is anything but a tragedy.


blueSGL t1_iwmg46h wrote

Why? Would I prefer to watch a movie with a consistent script, zero plot holes or one lovingly made by humans that requires reshoots desperate fixes in editing and god knows how many man hours to remove the buttholes or pixel fucked explosions to get the reflections looking just right? packaged up with a trailer that either gives too much away or is deceiving in editing promising a much greater experience than the one that is delivered. Give me the machine created version each and every time.

Same with songs I don't listen to them to connect with other humans, I do it because they are entertaining patterned structures that some people happen to be better at creating than others, why wouldn't I want an endless library constantly generated that delivers the perfect emotional response that I want at that moment.

Why should I care that instead of having to wait for the brownian motion to churn someone out at the far end of a bell curve, spend years honing their craft and then I get to listen to something for 10 seconds on spotify and skip to the next one, rather than have that just generated. and the person can instead spend their time working on something they enjoy, not for money but because they enjoy the process.

Why on earth are 'legends' required in any way, and having a lack of them make my experience worse? I really don't get it.


many-such-cases t1_iwn1197 wrote

> with a consistent script, zero plot holes

That’s what defines a “good movie” to you? K, interesting.

Honestly reading over your comment it sounds like you’re in dire need to connect with other people. There’s a weird not so subtle disregard for members of your fellow species present here that I don’t think my words alone could cure. Maybe some day a “therapist AI” will sort you out - after all you sound like you’d be more inclined to listen if the machine is talking to you.

Anyway, the benefit of legends to you personally is that they influence us to aspire to something greater. Everyone wants to leave a legacy behind, and the presence of AI limiting human achievement will leave a void of purpose in us that I believe will lead to mass depression and mental illness.


blueSGL t1_iwn3yj7 wrote

Yes, a good movie is one that is a fun ride that I'm either not taken out of by a glaring plot hole or if you prefer plot convenience whilst watching or shortly after when thinking about it. A solid script is the most important thing in a movie and it seems to be the one aspect given the least amount of thought. Endings are another one, would I read more Stephen King novels if an AI was sure to spruce them up and give them a satisfying ending. You betcha.

Also good job on the arm chair psychology I'm sure you'll go far dismissing people with other takes on things as 'broken' I don't hang my identity on the media I consume.

>Everyone wants to leave a legacy behind, and the presence of AI limiting human achievement will leave a void of purpose in us

Most people don't leave a legacy behind, go a couple of generations back and if you are lucky you'll be a name someone reads in a report that 23 and me sends out. "Legacy Building" is a failure for the vast majority of humans that have ever lived (if you don't count basic reproduction, something so common in nature it hardly is worth mentioning) Legacy is the remit of the rich and famous and If you look hard enough at your heroes there will be some skeletons in the closet, they just so happened to be good at X that you know them for. Why should legacy be the linchpin of an argument for AI devaluing life is beyond me (because I'm not celebrity obsessed or a starfucker)


botfiddler t1_iwmf7x3 wrote

This has already been addressed by other people. It will enable more content and more competition, it's not the end of human creativity. Also, if a AI could make up the best art, entertainment or VR worlds for everyone, then that wouldn't be a tragedy. Who cares? Many of the employed "artists" were gatekeeping content creation at least during the last decade or so anyways (Marvel, Disney, DC Comics, ...). Yeah, tragic for the Tumbler Mafia 🤷‍♂️


botfiddler t1_iwmjtcv wrote

Thought about it a bit more:

  • There will always be niches for humans expressing their individuality.
  • The interests of some celebrities or special humans don't outweigh all the positives.
  • Computer games are essentially creating artificial problems, for us to solve and feel satisfaction, so that the solution. You should also get into it, I guess.

many-such-cases t1_iwn1vhy wrote

The problem I have though is with AI doing everything - even creative tasks - for humans is that I believe it will leave a void of purpose in us that I believe will lead to mass depression and mental illness. Furthermore, look at all my other points together, such as the impact AI will have on mass surveillance.

We’re going to become glorified pets of a higher intelligence. We might live more secure lives on paper because of that, but will we be “happy”? It seems that with AI we are cedeing what makes us as a species unique, and not only that but also what makes us the dominant species. We’re take the nightmare scenario of getting invaded by stronger, more intelligent aliens and bringing it upon ourselves.