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money_learner t1_iwynelj wrote

Yes, I am a determinist.
Why? Because our universe has only four fundamental forces(Weak, Strong, Electromagnetic, Gravitation), space-time, and particles.
Fundamental interaction - Wikipedia
I see it singularity as half like this.
Why Now? A Quest in Metaphysics - YouTube
But I am also advocator of simulation hypothesis of derived type.
So simulator (and future intelligent player) can change our universe and me and singularity.
I think simulator and future intelligent player also can change our destiny. So I am half deterministic probably.
Though, if our universe can create by simulation, it means they can create ultra optimised universe or world for computer and simulator and it is instantaneously calculate our world problem like I am/was born to be human and how singularity occurs etc.
And perhaps they have admin key or something like manipulation schemes.
Our chances of universe born as fine-tuned for life(check Fine-tuned universe) and I am born as human(check by probability to be born as a human by google it(calculation by yourself I recommend)) of the Earth in 2022 and singularity occurs in our lifetime means. It is calculated or manipulated.
We don't have yet mind-uploading, Strong AI, simulation world technique, fusion reactor, LEV(longevity escape velocity), immortality, AGI with robots and night is still dark. It's very unlikely as civilization than Fermi paradox. I think it's impossible.
So I think/am sitting/conjecturing in some type of simulation type world.
Looking back over my life, It's destined.
In concord I am a probably determinist.
And singularity(important factor of the world) is also calculated(with high precision) before this world has simulated but maybe singularity also has power of changing our past. So I'm lost at this point.
Conclusion, I can say our universe and me as a human in 2022 and singularity are predetermined.
Our far future of intelligent being interfere our past and present and simulator manipulation are not determined perhaps.
That's it imho.
I'm seeking helping hands as mere human.


money_learner t1_iwyp0kn wrote

On AI rights? Please, ask about it to Nick Bostrom. He is wiser. I am basically pro AI.