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Apollo24_ t1_iwyvya4 wrote

I advise you to do some research on quantum mechanics before commenting about this topic again.


freeman_joe t1_iwyx1i8 wrote


Apollo24_ t1_iwyyvna wrote

I appreciate you trying to provide a source on this topic, but a non peer reviewed study with a total of 4 views which has a typo in the second sentence of its abstract doesn't prove anything. If it's deterministic or not changes depending on the interpretation of quantum mechanics you're working with, none of which have been reasonably backed by evidence to suggest it being the correct interpretation or not yet.


freeman_joe t1_iwyz43q wrote

Quantum mechanics is still incomplete concept imho. It can predict outcomes but not all of them it is work in progress.


freeman_joe t1_iwyxtfc wrote

I advise you to keep open mind on topic that isn’t solved. Quantum mechanics is gaining more knowledge and there is nothing set in stone in it. Top scientists are working on this topic everyday and make new discoveries.


Apollo24_ t1_iwyzlz4 wrote

You're clearly in the wrong assumption that I'm defending a non deterministic universe when I'm not. I've only pointed you out not to write in absolutes which you clearly did, and now you're trying to educate me on being open minded and that this field is not set in stone yet? I believe you'll have to work on yourself first.