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michael_mullet t1_ix1adze wrote

Reply to comment by 420BigDawg_ in 2023 predictions by ryusan8989

Taiwan War is doubtful.

China is watching Russia destroy itself in Ukraine and has realized they can't win an amphibious assault and occupation of the island.

They even condemned Russia for the rocket in Poland (before it was determined to be Ukrainian). This shows they are siding with world consensus against the war and will not risk one for Taiwan.

Russian losses have been shocking to western observers. There is concern now that the war may go so badly that they use nukes - I agree this is a worry. I think western powers are providing enough equipment & intelligence to allow Ukraine to eat up Russia manpower until it collapses, but are trying to limit expansion into Russian territory.


Jajuca t1_ix1sx7n wrote

Biden just said last week that the Taiwan war isnt happening after speaking to Xi. Considering he called the Russian invasion months before it happened, a war with Taiwan is very unlikely to happen next year.