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Sea_Cookie2838 t1_ix1ei8x wrote

Humans playing god will make a hell on earth. The grace of God is what confused people overlook. Without the grace you would end up in big time misery. Its a warning, and its in the Bible.


PandaCommando69 t1_ix1ffzc wrote

Did you just come here to rant at people? Newsflash, you are in the completely wrong sub for that. But since you dropped by--does not the Bible say that we are made in the image of God? Who are you to say we are doing anything more than being as God made us; as God empowered us to be?


Sea_Cookie2838 t1_ix1hgo0 wrote

>? Newsflash, you are in the completely wrong sub for that. But since you dropped by--does not the Bible say that we are made in the image of God? Who are you to say we are doing anything more than being as God made us; as God empowered us to be?

Read the bible. I will pray for you. God loves you <3


PandaCommando69 t1_ix1inj9 wrote

I think that the universe loves each and every last one of us, and I am glad that you feel a connection to God . That's great. I do too. However, we're going on faith-- because there's no evidence for what you believe, or for what I believe. The difference is that I recognize there's no evidence, and so I don't try to shove my beliefs onto anyone else, whereas you are trying to shove your beliefs onto other people, refusing to acknowledge that you have no evidentiary basis for doing so. That's what's objectionable. You cannot force people to believe friend. You can speak your truth, and you can act in such a way in the world that causes other people to want to follow your example. That's it. Anything more is oppressing other people. Barack Obama said it well, "be the change that you want to see in the world." If you understand and know the love of God, then put that love out there into the world. Let that light shine. Be a living example of God's love. Don't berate people for not believing as you do. That is the opposite of what Jesus would want you to do.

ETA: Going round demanding that people read the Bible (or any holy book) is not going to bring anyone closer to God. By doing this you are alienating people, making it less likely that they might come to find comfort through the love of our Creator.


mulox2k t1_ix1ji00 wrote

We are lost souls wise shepherd, but as a redditor, thou are more lost than us, or you’re joking.

I suddenly doubt. I thought we were mainly atheists or antitheists on the sub but did we make a survey on this yet?