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Goldisap t1_ix2jp0i wrote

I have been (possibly naively) assuming that AGI will be the breakthrough that allows us to become a type 1 civilization. At this point, the issue of warming or cooling the planet will be trivial, along with many other environmental issues Earth faces.

My timeline for when we have an intelligence that makes such problems trivial is around 2035. I think climate change issues will have caused considerable damage at this point, but nowhere near enough damage to be seen as a mass extinction event.

The average person today isn’t plagued with constantly imaging an intelligence that surpasses even genius level human beings. There’s things we humans know how to do, there’s things we don’t know how to do, and then there’s things we don’t even know how to know we can’t do.


QuietOil9491 t1_ix3u7g9 wrote

Unfortunately for all of us the animals and insects that are CURRENTLY undergoing a mass extinction event decided to start years before your theory that they simply won’t