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statusquorespecter t1_ix7u31e wrote

I guess I have a rather "un-humanist" view of AI. I don't actually care that much about whether my life will be more comfortable in 20 years because of advancements in AI. I don't care if AI will make my field of work redundant. If creating beings that can supersede humans intellectually is possible, then I think making that happen is a worthy end in itself. So given the recent rapid advancements in AI, I'm very optimistic.


diener1 OP t1_ix83ark wrote

>I don't care if AI will make my field of work redundant.

I really really doubt this is true. You might think that now but when it actually happens, I think you will care. And if not then I guarantee you the vast majority of people will, which affects you too.


[deleted] t1_ix865lp wrote

I'm sure chimney sweeps were bummed at first once we went to electric heat, but getting a different job is healthier for you.


statusquorespecter t1_ixa4k4e wrote

True, I suppose I would care, in the sense that someone who deeply believes in stoic philosophy will still flinch if they're about to die.