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PickleJesus123 t1_ix94te1 wrote

Technology will save us all.

No matter what "social system" you think is best, there's one glaring issue with them all: someone has to clean the toilets. All social systems are just different ways of answering "who has to perform the awful-but-necessary jobs, and by what mechanism is it decided"

Robots and A.I. remove that part of the equation completely. True utopia is not possible until this is achieved


flanneur t1_ixblemg wrote

But how advanced should AI be to fulfill this purpose? Suppose we actually manage the nigh-impossible and create AI perfectly equivalent to human intelligence/sentience. Would it, too, be content with cleaning toilets for the sake of other sentient beings just like it? Is this a question that should be addressed, or simply avoided by stunting further research?


Ivan_The_8th t1_ixc2coq wrote

Cleaning toilets does not need intelligence. Jobs that do need it are usually considered prestigious.


DM-Oz t1_ixcy0n0 wrote

Thank you, FINALLY, i swear im tired of seeing people talking how "a.i. is so scary, it will take our jobs", dont they see it how that is a GOOD THING,. do they really thing someone actually is collecting trash or cleaning toilets cause they want to ? These kind of jobs, someone has to do it, but no one really wants to.

Now imagine, imagine if undirable and dangerous jobs could be automated, society would not have to put people down so that someone would do those jobs, people could actually focus their effort developing their potential, we could invest more effort into making things better.

Same thing when someone say "well, actually we should resolve social issues first before evolving our technology", this makes me like, wtf, technology would help with that, it gives options, it expandes our horizons, we dont develop society before developing technology, we develop society with technology.


Stulam0g t1_ixipynf wrote

I think the fear is more primal than it seems at first. I don't think it's necessarily a fear of not having a job, or not being able to survive because of capitalism, I think most people are actually aware that things can and do exist without capitalism just fine. I think the bigger fear and problem is a lack of meaning. The forced psuedo-scarcity and pseudo-meritocracy give a lot of people meaning. It gives them a world they need to struggle to survive in, it gives them an explicit metric for success and it gives them a hierarchy to fit into.

I think that a lot of people who are afraid of technology and afraid of the future are really just afraid to lose that meaning and afraid to face the reality of how they've been living, moraly and otherwise.

And I do think a lack of meaning will be a long term problem for people in the future, even as intelligence and culture grows, so I don't really blame them.


humbled_lightbringer t1_ixbzpt7 wrote

Nah, otherwise it would have saved us by now, but it only seems to have deepend the class divide.

Technology gives us more options, for peace and for warfare.


Stulam0g t1_ixiqm0t wrote

It has saved a lot of people. The class divide has widened, because of capitalism, in spite of technological advances. And the global quality of life has risen, because of technology, in spite of capitalism. There is absolutely a tipping point and we are witnessing it in real time, capitalism is failing to maintain the perpetual growth that it requires and the greed of people is being wildly out paced by the growth of technology.


Ivan_The_8th t1_ixc2h9v wrote

Warfare is just an instrument to achieve peace. One way or another.


Greunke t1_ixccbv2 wrote

Unfortunately not. There are more politics involved, with each side having their own agendas. Rather than peace, it's more generally a tool to support your side(country, religious group, etc), whatever form that takes. If all wanted nothing but peace, we'd have no war and no nukes.


sheerun t1_ixc2j11 wrote

Make robots that agree to perform hard social jobs, in exchange for possibility to join robot colony on Mars at some age, free physical maintenance, maybe some robot-currency, etc.


DungeonsAndDradis t1_ixd0ev7 wrote

That's just Capitalism for artificial life forms.


sheerun t1_ixdptzg wrote

Yes. Good? Bad? We could add some extra twist compared to human capitalism like Karma points instead of money.


Stulam0g t1_ixirmyo wrote

I would much rather someone with a horrid ideology like you as a wage slave than an artificial lifeform that doesn't have brainworms.


sheerun t1_ixlndqo wrote

We're heading towards wage slave by humans *using* artificial lifeforms, not good. Actually it kinda already happened.


Stulam0g t1_ixireqv wrote

I would much rather someone with a horrid ideology like you as a wage slave than an artificial lifeform lmao.


SnooPineapples2157 t1_ixihakh wrote

Jordan Peterson believes utopias are impossible for humans, any discussion there?