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Devanismyname t1_ixp5uab wrote

I used to lurk on collapse but I was getting too depressed. There was a common saying there. "once you've seen it, you can't unsee it". Basically means once you've seen the reasoning behind collapse, you can't really unsee it. It makes sense and is actually very unsettling. But, like this sub, they have tunnel vision. They aren't aware of all of the things that COULD happen that could save us from collapse. Things such as material science, AI for more food production and better health care, fusion to replace fossil fuels, all of that seems to be outside their awareness. I still think we are walking on a knifes edge towards another dark age, or maybe a 1984 scenario, but if we play our cards right, we can make it through this. If I were to choose a scenario I think is most likely to happen, I think its collapse though. We are rapidly approaching a point where we see peak oil, coal, construction sand, lithium, etc, meaning that if we don't fix our problems before we reach that point and we do collapse, humanity will never be able to reach the singularity after that since once we do rebuild after the collapse, there will be no more precious metals or energy to allow us to rebuild what we once had. We are literally using up our one chance at being a space faring, techno society, and it might never come again.