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TheHamsterSandwich t1_ixfw66u wrote

Elon fanboys don't realize that having a device malfunction in your brain would kill you. Monkeys that had neuralinks in their head fucking died.


SciFidelity t1_ixfznxm wrote

Yeah that's part of the process. Unfortunately a lot of monkeys have been killed in the name of science. It is sad but they are our closest relatives and we have to test these things before they can be used in humans. Just part of the scientific process.

Having a pace maker or insulin pump malfunction will kill you too. I mean shit if your car malfunctioned it could kill you. I think the idea is to test and create redundant safety measures. Not, run away from technology cause its scary like some kind of fucking stupid caveman.


Saerain t1_ixfyzrs wrote

Weren't those surgical complications? Obviously it's dangerously invasive and will need to reach for pacemaker levels of safety. Animal testing, important for getting there.


pyriphlegeton t1_ixif9os wrote

Well, some malfunctions could kill you.

As far as I'm aware most monkeys survived and those that didn't died of surgical complications, not the device malfunctioning. But feel free to provide evidence to the contrary.