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RoboticPro t1_ixyqkny wrote

Just amazing to me how devs were laughing at other peoples jobs they were going to automate. Mockingly saying “learn to code or get left behind”. Now it’s them being attacked and suddenly they don’t like it


[deleted] t1_ixz45lt wrote

I like it a lot, because i haven't been doing it long enough to get paid for it yet.

honsetly, i'd like to work with metal crafts (especially airguns of various kinds, everything from custom NERF's and airsofts to lightweight hunting rifles), but my current economy really doesn't allow it.So programming it became.

High pressure hydrogen rifles would be very interesting to make too.


PersonOfInternets t1_iy07fs6 wrote

Well, if we cross into the dimension that includes UBI and human rights for all people after ai takes all the jobs, you'll be able to pursue all of your passions. Otherwise you might be moved down to the server room to sanitize the facility managers cum-covered keyboard and dust the server racks.


SirDidymus t1_ixzhnpj wrote

As an artist…


Affectionate_Ear_778 t1_iy03eda wrote

AI is generating art now unless you make stuff like frames or wood. Seems like trades will be sone of the few jobs left.


SirDidymus t1_iy0d3kd wrote

To be fair, using Ai is a daily occurence in my job as an artist. Without AI, I couldn’t even have gotten where I’m now…


Business_Royal_201 t1_ixyzwao wrote

That wasn't devs that was culture war stuff. Right wing made fun of left wing journos getting made redundant. Most devs at Google would left wing, so again it will be left losing very good paying jobs.

This won't affect me at all, since Google would never hire the likes of me. I will continue coding the old way and collect UBI. :)


strangeelement t1_ixzbzku wrote

The popular depiction of AI in popular culture is almost always based on some hardware, it's always a machine, more often than not humanoid. But that obviously comes later, the robotics aspect of AI will not come first, the first AIs will be software services, basically. They will deal in information.

It's not blue collar jobs that will be the easiest to automate, it's the service and administrative jobs. No need to build hardware for most of this, it's IT infrastructure for the most part. The hardware for the rest is already available in people's hands, literally.

The information jobs will be far easier to automate than the manual labor. It's not the janitors who will go first, it's the accountants and other jobs that deal in information.

Then again it will mostly shift software development jobs from having less to do with chasing obscure bugs and more with what's actually important: their usefulness to people, their design and function.


TampaBai t1_iy0w382 wrote

Yep, if you ever read Yuval Noah Harari's books, he's that arrogant and contemptuous snob who coined the phrase "useless class" to refer to all of us plebes who don't have degrees from Cal Tech, MIT, or Stanford, and who don't code or otherwise work in a tech field. Or Ray Kurzweil who is constantly admonishing the rest of us to "keep up" and learn new trades. Those whose jobs are safe and secure will continue to shrink, save a few at the very top, who will continue to consolidate their power and lord over us with ever increasing contempt.


visarga t1_iy3ljki wrote

> Now it’s them being attacked and suddenly they don’t like it

Hahahaha. You're missing the big picture. Software has been cannibalising itself for 50 years. Every new open source package or library removes a bit of work from everyone else. You'd think we would be out of work by now, but in reality it's one of the hottest jobs. I mean, Wordpress alone automated/eliminated the work of a whole generation of web devs, but there was so much more work coming up that it wasn't a problem.

Work is not a zero sum game. If I could do 1000 units of work, I would plan something. If I could do 100,000 units of work, I would make a different plan. Not just scaled up linearly, but a different strategy. My prediction is that companies are going to take the AI and keep the people as well, and we'll be very very busy. Nothing expands faster than human desires/aspirations, not even automation.


AlwaysF3sh t1_iyaixwr wrote

The guys who didn’t see this coming are idiots.