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visarga t1_iy3ljki wrote

> Now it’s them being attacked and suddenly they don’t like it

Hahahaha. You're missing the big picture. Software has been cannibalising itself for 50 years. Every new open source package or library removes a bit of work from everyone else. You'd think we would be out of work by now, but in reality it's one of the hottest jobs. I mean, Wordpress alone automated/eliminated the work of a whole generation of web devs, but there was so much more work coming up that it wasn't a problem.

Work is not a zero sum game. If I could do 1000 units of work, I would plan something. If I could do 100,000 units of work, I would make a different plan. Not just scaled up linearly, but a different strategy. My prediction is that companies are going to take the AI and keep the people as well, and we'll be very very busy. Nothing expands faster than human desires/aspirations, not even automation.