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AkaneTori t1_iy16wts wrote

You seem to be really stuck on the idea of people being replaced, but even in art we won't be replaced, the job is just going to change irreversibly.

Just like how I use NAI and Midjourney in almost all my work now I'm sure plumbers will end up having a whole suite of tools that let them direct an operation that would otherwise need a crew of 50 men, but you're so obviously ignorant of the sheer volume of tasks and the necessity to manage them all properly that I wouldn't listen to your predictions to begin with.

Yeah, one day, 200 years from now all plumbing will be done by robotics, likely following a construction revolution that will standardize things even more than they already are. Hell, I imagine it'll be much sooner than that, even within our lifetimes, but you're underestimating the volume and complexity of the tasks you're talking about and thus speaking with extreme arrogance about something you clearly cannot accurately predict.


Rumianti6 OP t1_iy18nhx wrote

We won't be replaced obviously because it requires AHI. Only job will change in a massive way though, I'm not ready for it personally. It will be the biggest change the art world has ever seen.

But the thing is creativity is a skill and in art you need both technical skill and creative skill. AI may get rid of the technical part but the creative skill is still needed. It is hard for me to get a good idea so obviously artists won't be replaced or obsolete people will still need creative people to make the art they didn't even know they wanted.

I'd say 30-40 years all plumbing will be done by robotics. It only requires an AI that knows plumbing and a sufficient body which will be much easier than people think.
