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AsuhoChinami t1_iy6wbxl wrote

Uh... I can't speak for the 1950s since I wasn't alive then, but I remember the 90s and 2000s and I feel as though my life and the world was very different. It's pretty subjective. You can hyperfixate on the way things have remained stable if that's what you want to do (we still drive cars, we still shop at stores, whatever) for whatever reason you might have, but your perspective is not the only valid one. Like my day-to-day life was dramatically different in the 90s because I didn't have the internet for most of the decade, but I'm supposed to discount my own experiences and say that that's totally wrong because... reasons? Because some guy on reddit tells me to? None of my hobbies and interests and defining elements of daily life even existed in 1954.