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Rumianti6 t1_iy5wn9q wrote

Very true, that is the biggest problem that I'm preparing to face in the future. Making money as an artist is going to get a lot harder. There is also the fact that I as an artist don't think AI right now is good enough to be used as a tool or atleast not as anything beyond a photoshop type tool. That won't stop corporations though from applying these AI as soon as possible. Cherry pick some images that are passable enough for the public because who cares about the finer details?


TheTomatoBoy9 t1_iy61wd6 wrote

>Cherry pick some images that are passable enough for the public because who cares about the finer details?

Yup. Worst case scenario, they kick out any artistic input and executives make decisions based on what is most "recommended" by the current algorithmic trends.

But we're definitely not at the point where AI can just produce a complete artistic product with an art direction, so humans will still be in the loop. It will probably just make teams more streamlined.

As for individual artist, my hope is AI simply boosts the average creativity output and quality without drowning the market in dogshit pumped out AI.

A recent exemple is a musician that I like made a music video with a digital artist named Sagans ans they (clearly) used AI to produce it. The result is super fucking trippy, but it's the kind of product that probably never would've been made before by a small single artist just because making all the individual frames in photoshop would've been practically impossible. So you end up with the video Entropyyy on YT by LORN.

That's a case where before AI, the music video would've simply been way simpler, but now they can make a fairly complex and insane video with the same ressources as before