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TheHamsterSandwich t1_iy5m42h wrote

I'm calling it now, nothing will be different in 2030. The difference will be that the date says 2030 instead of 2022. The fact that governments aren't trying to do anything about artificial intelligence right now sort of proves we aren't on the cusp of something revolutionary.

We aren't going to be seeing mass unemployment utopia any time soon. It's at least a few decades away.


VanceIX t1_iy6eeeq wrote

The government is always slow to react to technological advancements, it’s just how things are. Governments tend to be reactionary rather than precautionary. Just look at the state of the internet today: governments around the world have only started seriously regulating things in the last decade or so, and that to mixed success.

Even then, there’s already signs that the USA government at least is leveraging AI more and more, just that those applications are obscured for national security purposes. The NSA, CIA, and FBI doubtlessly have tracking and profiling applications using AI, just like China does. The military has incorporated many AI technologies into weapon systems and fighter aircraft.

I do agree that 2030 likely won’t be that far off from 2022, just saying the lack of action by the government isn’t really predicting anything.


Mokebe890 t1_iy5sq9c wrote

Interesting take. What if they just dont focus on this besides military possibilities? Literally they only care about being the strongest. Somehow following everything that happens its bold to say nothing will change. If things change faster, and indeed we're developing faster and faster, I dont see why wouldnt we have massive changes.


reviedox OP t1_iy5mvt6 wrote

I understand, I didn't meant full automation by 2030 and utopia by 2040, just that some fields could change a lot by then, but I'll admit that I wrote it bit too dramatically, sorry for that

I know the government isn't doing anything, which is why I asked as it worries me that the the government might not be capable of acting fast in case of rapid AI development


TheDonVancity t1_iy6atly wrote

Honestly I can’t tell either, but I mean hey I was thinking about the art generators and how pretty much what that means is all artists in the world pretty much got automated by that one tool so who knows 🤔


cy13erpunk t1_iy7al0v wrote


keeping you head in the sand eh?

let us know how that works out for ya in 2030

becuz obvs gov has your best interests at heart and is always ahead of the curve XD