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iNstein t1_iybukpq wrote

This will sound very outlandish and impossible or just hundreds of years in the future but what I'm about to discuss is something that will be normal in most peoples alive todays lifetime.

When we achieve true ASI, we will transition to a world of abundance. Part of that will be an ability to change matter into different forms and it will be regarded as trivial. This will also be true of very complex systems such as living tissue. The structure of living tissue being modified in a relatively short time will be easy. Basically it will be trivial to change your appearance dramatically in a short time.

You will also be able to change other characteristics like your stature eg. Height and weight, your ethnicity/race, gender, age, features and anything else that you want. I can imagine whole fashions coming and going related to your body. I suspect initially at least you will find lots of waifu and other characters along with those who choose an indestructible body.

Life will be very different and advantages will disappear. Personality really will be more important at that point.


Sashinii t1_iyc1yn1 wrote

Your comment about waifus and other animated characters is right on the money.

I don't think enough people have seriously considered how dramatically society will change when there's virtual reality that has 2D art with 3D movements (and it doesn't even have to be full dive right away for such technology to change everything overnight).

Consider how many people (including myself) obsesse over anime, and then imagine those same people having access to VR that allows for experiences that puts them into the anime, resulting in a lot of people spending the overwhelming majority of their time immersed in different stylized environments instead of the single boring enviroment of our present reality.


Rumianti6 t1_iyd01w7 wrote

By the way, anime artstyle is techinically 3d, not 2d. In anime you can clearly see the 6 directions and depth. Sorry but it is clear to me you do not understand spatial dimensions. If anime was truly 2d then there would be no depth and only 4 directions which we clearly don't see.


BenjaminHamnett t1_iyc5tt6 wrote

This sounds like the wishful views of watching scifi and not from knowing about science


illseeuanon_ t1_iycuphx wrote

What makes you think our personality wouldn't be equally modifiable?