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yarrpirates t1_iycbtd9 wrote

As another autistic person, I want to try it! Come on, man! Hyperbaric pressure chamber with increased oxygen? That's some sci-fi shit right there.

It's not going to be permanent, either, so even though I too don't want to stop being me, I don't think this will do that. I'm happy to try it first so you can see what happens.


tokkkkaaa t1_iycn5os wrote

yes I think it‘ll still be 100% you, just without some of the burdens autism brings


code8888 t1_iydjc3e wrote

Nah, sensory deprivation chambers are cooler imo

Also, I think your second point falls outside the scope of the research. That wasn’t established, at least according to the abstract.


yarrpirates t1_iyeer8b wrote

How about sensory deprivation hyperbaric pure oxygen (in a mask, I like not burning to death) chamber? All the things!

Yeah, it not being permanent is a guess on my part, based on nothing more than it reducing inflammation. Something's causing that inflammation, it'll kick back in when conditions go back to normal.