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earthsworld t1_iyd8ys8 wrote

>Is everyone who is not completely oblivious to the world around them and everyone who has some moral reasoning autistic?

wtf are you talking about? nobody but you think this.


GlobusGlobus t1_iydc09u wrote

No one but me has read the definition of autism and the questionnaires used to define autism! That is a not a reasonable claim.

Having interests on any meaningful level is counted as a symptom for autism.


Keepfingthatchicken t1_iyditas wrote please read this article about the requirements for asd. It is not having interests on a meaningful level. It is having a highly restricted fixation on narrow interests. Which is also only one of several requirements across multiple areas of life.


GlobusGlobus t1_iye1hgq wrote

Yeah, I know. My point is that people who lack an interest that fits that discription are all rather meaningless creatures without any stake. As born out by reality.


earthsworld t1_iydmowg wrote

> Having interests on any meaningful level is counted as a symptom for autism.

sorry, but you're clearly delusional.