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Shelfrock77 t1_j0rzb3w wrote

After taking pychadelics, I realized we are all connected regardless.


JuniperLiaison t1_j0s6y24 wrote

I think uploading in some form is inevitable, but whether we'll be distinct minds or choose to all join into a hive mind, I'm not sure. I think I'd choose to stay separate for a while.


TheDavidMichaels t1_j0sgfoa wrote

Nah, It is not accurate to assume that humans are necessarily headed towards a "networked hive mind" or "Borg-like" civilization. While it is true that technology has allowed people to connect and share information on a global scale, it is uncertain whether this will lead to a society that is characterized by a collective consciousness or the loss of individual identity.
Human beings have always had the capacity to connect and collaborate with one another, and advances in technology have simply made it easier for us to do so. However, it is important to recognize that humans are also individual beings with their own unique thoughts, beliefs, and experiences, and it is unlikely that we will lose our sense of individuality as we continue to evolve and develop as a species.
It is not possible to accurately predict the future of human society, and it is important for individuals and society as a whole to carefully consider the implications of technological advances and to ensure that they are used in a way that promotes the well-being and flourishing of all individuals.


ImoJenny t1_j0slci8 wrote

As with most of this sort of question, no. The premise is reactionary and the conclusion is totalizing. Some people might merge into hiveminds. Some people might duplicate or divide themselves into copies which then network with each other, but to assume that all people will radically alter themselves in some specific way is not realistic.

Also who says we want to "beat AI."


PhysicalChange100 t1_j0smidc wrote

If you look at cities which are basically the future of humanity, you will see that humans who live in these environment are more individualistic, have a taste for novelty and unique experiences.. cities are more ethnically diverse as well as more multicultural and sometimes a culture merges with another culture, creating a unique culture and so on, doesn't seem like Borg-like to me.

I think it's more accurate to say that we will become more individualistic but also more connected. Through BCI's, we will have social media where we could upload our unique experiences, memories and emotions, creating an unprecedented level of empathy and understanding, as well as creativity and novelty.

So my answer is, Nah. But kinda.


DrNukinstein t1_j0soawg wrote

I think we'll eventually have a partial hive mind, effectively the internet now, but linked through cybernetics to our minds, allowing us to be individuals inside the collective, which imo is the best outcome, I want to be me, but with access to all of human knowledge and the ability to communicate with anyone else on a whim. This setup could also help with our tendencies to be selfish and inconsiderate, hopefully. Also given enough time, I would also expect consciousness uploading or transfer, which would be getting even closer to a true hivemind, which idk about, again, I want to be me, not a drone, but still linked to humanity


AndromedaAnimated t1_j0sw7oc wrote

There is an ant species, the Argentine ant. It is rather harmless in its own habitat.

But as an invasive species, it builds super-colonies. All ant colonies in a super colony are similar genetically and don’t fight among each other, seeing all the colonies in their new territory as their own. They quickly outcompete and directly annihilate the domestic ant species everywhere their set their tiny feet on. These guys are not just a collective intelligence, they are a collective super-intelligence. The ant of all ants.

Now ants are not a real hivemind. Each ant is an individual behaving due to chemical cues, instincts and learned patterns. But they behave like a hivemind due to sibling altruism.

We don’t need a real Borg Hivemind. We just need to start behaving like one. Maybe AI can help with that. And then we can start populating the galaxy.


buttlovingpanda t1_j0sxfle wrote

I think we’re all connected in a way. I think our ability and inherent nature to socialize with each other and understand one another connects us more than most other species of organism. While different and unique, humans are also extremely similar to one another.


Lawjarp2 t1_j0t078k wrote

Resistance is futile, strength is irrelevant.

But in all fairness, augmenting or enhancing bodies through biological or artificial means does not mean we become a hive mind.