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Superschlenz t1_j0x7n5v wrote

>You are probably joking about the EEG waves, aren’t you?

Of course I was joking, because mentions only alpha and gamma rhythms, but not beta and theta.

>I mentioned the Synchron interface to show that motor activity of the body can be replaced by a simulated motor activity. Meaning the physical body can be simulated if needed for the development of human brain. Since that was what you were talking about.

The human body is not just the output of ~200 motors and input of their corresponding joint angles and forces (proprioception). It is also the input of ~1M touch sensors from the skin. This input would have to be simulated as well. As much touch information in childhood comes from social interaction with the mother, you would have to simulate her, too. This may be possible in theory, but at the moment, neither a simulated mother for a simulated baby nor a real robot baby with full body touch sensitive skin for a real mother is possible. My personal experience with the MuJoCo simulator in 2016 had shown me that it is so buggy, it can't even simulate some nuts and bolts correctly. If it even fails at such a simple mechanical rigid object physics task, how could it simulate deformable skin or a virtual mother?


AndromedaAnimated t1_j0y5h90 wrote

I am still pretty sure that we don’t need to simulate a three-dimensional brain to simulate a mind, but okay I got now that you were joking (the model you wrote about is still a cool thing, and I see lots of further research and application possibilities).

Touch sensors would not necessarily be needed. The brain doesn’t get touched, it gets signals mediated by oxytocin and other chemicals. So simulating a holding, touching mother would not be this difficult. If you wanted to do that in the first place instead of simulating a mind that automatically gets its „touch needs“ fulfilled by other types of communication. Or a mind that has simulated memories of being touched directly at the time of it being put into function.

But this is actually a very interesting idea you mentioned. Simulating a mother with deformable, touchable skin or a robot baby with feeling skin. This would be akin to simulating touch in the virtual world generally.

I agree that we are not jet there. But the engine is already gaining steam so to say. I would say we only need around 2 to 3 more years max to simulate a functioning human mind. Can imagine that your timeline would be different here.

By the way, thank you for the very civil discussion. I have made very different experiences with others. Thank you. You‘re cool.