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Sieventer OP t1_iyo3xsd wrote

There's a lot of hate on the part of the artists with the AI. They want to keep charging $90 for a drawing that takes 5 weeks to deliver.


Sashinii t1_iyo9pxh wrote

This cowardly company will be defunct soon due to media synthesis. It'll be glorious when technology enables everyone to be self-sustaining and makes every corporation obsolete.


Johnny_Glib t1_iyoqmg8 wrote

There's no putting AI back into the box. Artists will be redundant soon.


rugt0r t1_iyowz1l wrote

Why would they be defunct? Most clip studio users are hobbyists, they'll continue to use the program for fun regardless of the art industry's profitability. In fact, nearly all the art in the world is produced for pleasure at the artist's expense and given away free. I don't think media synthesis will change that.


Kinexity t1_iyoxjzn wrote

Learning how to use it is the current state of things, not the future one. Future AI will be able to nail the image in one go with only barrier being how well you can explain your vision.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyp7f3w wrote

How very selfish of artists to not want their work used - without credit, consent, or compensation - to build platforms that fuck over their business model.

What kind of monster doesn't want big tech corporations to build incredibly lucrative businesses using the unpaid labor of independent workers?

StOp BrEaKiNg mY tOyS, yOu LUDDITES!


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyp8ogj wrote

I work in traditional and digital mediums, and also use AI art generators for fun.

The reality is, if you aspire to be an artist, you will still need to develop traditional skills for a long time to come.

The arts will continue to offer job opportunities, no matter how good AIs get. Predictions to the contrary are just people giving in to some sort of weird dark euphoria.

Culture evolves alongside the tools and technology we use; there is no upper limit on human creativity. Give me better tools and I will create ever more elaborate and complex art.


rixtil41 t1_iypeuig wrote

But if an AI can generate content just as good as a youtuber and more why would I ever go to a human artist let alone pay for one. If this existed I would quit social media.


Kinexity t1_iypfdpo wrote

There will always be a place for artists creating for the sake of creating BUT market for creating on demand by human artists will shrink to a fraction of current size. Current models are just tools but that will not be true for the future ones. What you said is another variation of "humans will never automate themselves out of work because AI is just another tool for work not a replacement for worker". If you tried to estimate if this statement is true by analysing past changes (first agricultural revolution, industrial revolution) then you may think it would be true but the reason is that you wrongly assumed that past past performance is indicative of future results while it's not. A year ago without hiring an artist if I wanted some digital drawing of something I wouldn't be able to get it unless it was already available on the internet - today I can just start up SD and make what I want. It's not perfect and requires loads of tweaking but I am technologically literate so with enough time I can get satysfying results. I am not able to create anything but still a large chunk of my potential artistic needs has been fullfilled without direct input of an actual artist. Moving forward tech literacy needed to use those tools will go down while possibilities will go up. There will be a point where human artists making custom works will only have a job not because an AI will be worse but because some people will specifically request a work made by a human. There may be no upper limit to human creativity but this implies there will also be no limit to AI "creativity".

And before you say "long time" again: this is where AI image generation was in 2014. Unlike much of this sub I do not share the optimism of AGI before 2040 and other impossible timelines but it is ignorant to not take into account that the field of image generation moves fast and will probably continue to do so and unlike eg. language models you can already run it on middle range hardware.


Sashinii t1_iypin8m wrote

Spreading misinformation about how AI synthesis works and choosing not to implement said technology after already deciding to do so because of nonsensical whining about progress despite AI obviously paving the way for the future is indeed cowardly.


TinyBurbz t1_iypl9f1 wrote

You will never be an artist.


Sashinii t1_iyplni0 wrote

I don't care about Clip Studio or corporations in general. AI is becoming more advanced and more popular every day, so cope with what, exactly? Progress and success? Sure thing.


Sashinii t1_iypm2xe wrote

Gatekeeping is pathetic.

"You call yourself an anime fan?! Have you watched (insert obscure anime here)? No?! THEN YOU'RE NOT A REAL ANIME FAN, NOR WILL YOU BE, UNTIL YOU WATCH EVERY ANIME EVER!"


camdoodlebop t1_iyqatiu wrote

it's interesting how "massive public backlash" now means "a specific community of people on twitter didn't like something"


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyqfigj wrote

A year ago, you were not paying for art, either, my dude. Ask me how I can tell.

If a publishing house wants original art, which department is going to generate it and tweak it to fit their needs? Accounting? Marketing? Managers?

You are imagining that the current market will not evolve to include entirely new artforms which humans develop and design.

21st Century creatives are not to be compared with early 20th Century farm hands. While automation was putting agriculture jobs out to pasture, creatives were taking advantage of automation to build Hollywood and invent new jobs for creatives and blue collar workers alike.

You can still look at linear progress to get a clue about how creative humans will adapt to accellerating, non-linear progress:

  • Photography did not do away with painting. Instead, it spawned new artforms that eventually even included the need for more traditional artists (i.e., animation);

  • Film and TV did not do away with literature, photography, sculpture, or painting - it borrowed from them, to the benefit of all, and also created a market for new artforms, such as VFX and 3D digital art.

  • Digital art did not kill off film, TV, photography, sculpture, or painting - but rather adapted a lot of their aesthetic and storytelling ideas to give us new interactive art - like videogames.

Art-associated professions and specializations have exploded with every new innovation.

If you think creative folks are not inventive enough to make the most of the singularity, then you don't actually know many creatives.

  • AI will generate images, music, stories, objects, etc faster and better than most human artists? Cool! I look forward to the day when a single art generalist can develop better video games than any in existence all by themselves. Because that will mean larger groups of cooperating creatives can spawn entirely new artforms which exploit that fact. We are going to use that ability to create some wild shit that you never imagined. New mediums will be spawned, and artists will create new jobs for themselves. Outdoor festivals are going to be nuts.

TLDR: New markets developed by creatives will replace old ones. And until that occurs, there is still plenty of room for creatives to work in.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyqfze0 wrote

Youtube will either evolve or be surpassed by new platforms that are spawned by the latest innovations.

As an artist, easier image generation just means I can think bigger, and unleash my imagination even more. Even invent an entirely new artform that exploits the newfound capabilities AI art generators bring.

My problem as an artist is that there is not enough time in one life to realize all of the projects I imagine, and not enough money in the bank to go as big on projects as I wish I could.


[deleted] t1_iyql9oc wrote

>If a publishing house wants original art, which department is going to generate it and tweak it to fit their needs? Accounting? Marketing? Managers?

There absolutely is a limit to human creativity. And yours has been reached with that comment.

Why would I ever turn to a bloody publishing house, when I go straight to the AI myself? Children who draw animu pictures were the first to go. Self-appointed mediaries are following suit. Good riddance.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyqlo3c wrote

Spoken like someone who was jealous in school because the creative kids all seemed to be having fun while you were sulking in front of your computer. Art generating AIs have really got y'all crawling out of the woodwork, lately, praying for a little bit of dark schadenfreude.

I mean, pause for a second and ask yourself why you would gloat over AI potentially hurting the very people whose unpaid labor was used to create it. How fucking cringe is that?

Regardless... Jokes on you. If creatives - for whom precarity amid an ever shifting landscape is an old acquaintence - cannot thrive amid the singularity, then non-creative types are well and truly fucked.

What you should be praying for is that we invent solutions that are helpful for everyone, rather than licking your chops at the prospect of our failure.

Seriously, what kind of cave troll relishes the thought of any independent thinker's failure? You need to do some soul searching, man.

You would go to a "publishing house" because {collectives of creatives + AIs} will always come up with something more fun and interesting than {not-creative you + AIs can}.


[deleted] t1_iyqoke2 wrote

>Spoken like someone who was jealous in school because the creative kids all seemed to be having fun while you were sulking in front of your computer.

I love ad hominems like this. You see, I don't spend my time spamming art subreddits with bitter and whiny opinions. But you on the other hand... yikes. AI art is living rent free in your head.

>If creatives - for whom precarity amid an ever shifting landscape is an old acquaintence - cannot thrive amid the singularity, then non-creative types are well and truly fucked.

Interesting. I've seen a lot of bizarre claims of pseudospeciation, but rarely among those lines.

Btw, what you described there has nothing to do with the singularity. At all.

>You would go to a "publishing house" because {collectives of creatives + AIs} will always come up with something more fun and interesting than {not-creative you + AIs can}.

This is pure nonsense. Tantamount to telling me that you know my tastes better than myself.


Black_RL t1_iyqqvj1 wrote

Others will carry the torch, you can’t stop technology.


Kaarssteun t1_iyqr834 wrote

I guarantee that if an image model that tought itself art existed, artists would react in the same way. It's fine, that's human nature, but does reveal their intentions are not in favor of democratizing access to creative expression.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyr0483 wrote

Naw, noticing that you seem weirdly bitter about creative folks' very existence is not an ad hominem. It is just an observation.

Yes! I am obsessed with AI art generators. And I do participate in a lot of discussions about the implications of them. Thanks to that, I have had a lot of chances to imagine the upsides and downsides of them from multiple perspectives.

I am excited about the future potential they offer. They will live rent free in my head until I figure out everything I can about them. That is the way toward mastery of any new medium.

That doesn't mean I have to love everything about them uncritically.

  • I don't claim to know your tastes, but I am 100% certain that the output of one guy (who "can't wait" for artists to go extinct) + an AI... is destined to be less interesting than, say, Pixar Studios + AI.

Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyr1v94 wrote

Access to creative expression has always been democratized. Pick up a box of crayons, start drawing. It is that simple.

You know what is funny? The way big tech is framing this as a "David VS Goliath" issue - with independent artists portrayed as this monolith stopping the masses from creative self expression, while $billion valued tech companies are here to save the little guy... by taking the creative process upon themselves.

Stop and think about the implications of global corporations monopolizing creative processes.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyr35rx wrote

Midjourney and DALL-E are not open source. And they are heavily censored. Creative freedom makes creative minds make free societies.

I give Stable Diffusion just a short while longer before they go all-in on a for-profit model. Those investors are going to want a return, sooner or later.


[deleted] t1_iyrccng wrote

> Creative freedom makes creative minds make free societies.

While you dream of a future where art is controlled by you and companies like Disney.

*I welcome people to look at this guy's other comments. That's literally what he believes.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyrga5s wrote

Are you blind, illiterate, or high as a kite? Where the hell did I say that Disney and I should control the future of art? Quit following me around and harassing me, you fucking weirdo.


[deleted] t1_iyrhxkj wrote

>creative folks

Who are these people? Do they all agree with you? Do you speak on their behalf? Are you saying that science and technology are distinctly non-creative? Is my ability to draw contingent on whether or not I agree with your opinions? Is there a crayon lodged in your brain?

>Yes! I am obsessed with AI art generators.

Sure you are. Obsessed with poisoning the well and destroying the entire effort.

>Pixar Studios + AI

Is that you, Disney Corp? I shit you not, I already wanted to ask that in my previous reply. Good God, I held up hope that at least you'd have the decency to mention something like Studio Ghibli.

Thanks, but no thanks.


[deleted] t1_iyrkbkh wrote

> Where the hell did I say that Disney and I should control the future of art?

Tell me again how you are a representative of the "creative folk" and how we're forever beholden to you.

Tell me again why I need to go to a "publishing house" for a good dose of Disney+AI.


spazzadourx t1_iyrkixl wrote

Why should I begrudge them the money, Stable diffusion is going to *save* me time and effort that I would have put into creating art the old fashioned way. That is worth a lot to me. I believe they should get paid. A LOT.


Baron_Samedi_ t1_iyrnw85 wrote

I keep replying... with requests for you to fuck off.

I could also report you for harrassment and get your account banned. But instead, I could trust you to do the right thing and leave me alone when I ask you to.


Sashinii t1_iys1ui8 wrote

Absolutely. Between translating pre-existing works into other languages, adding content to pre-existing works, creating new works, and enhancing the neocortex to create and experience qualitatively new things, the future is where I want to be. Fortunately, I think the singularity will happen in 2030, so if I'm correct, the wait won't be long.


chimgchomg t1_iyz9mny wrote

The fact that they have to apologize for announcing a new feature is ridiculous. However, their customer base happens to overlap the most with the people who are whining about how image generators are somehow unfair to them, so I guess it's not surprising.


thisdesignup t1_iyztnvv wrote

Until AI becomes sentient it will always lack purpose. It doesn't know the why, the why is the part we give it, the prompts. It doesn't know why we want that unless we tell it. A lot of people don't actually know the why in their own businesses. That's why consultation is usually a part of most client design projects. Now AI can be a tool in that design project. Clients wont necessarily skip right to using AI instead of a person.