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DarthBuzzard t1_j11c2g0 wrote

> “Mark Zuckerberg claims humanity will move into the metaverse in the future, leaving reality behind for a world of our own creation, that we completely control.”

This is just an author interpretation. It's bad journalism, twisting Zuck's words.

Zuck has been very clear in his interviews, saying that the metaverse will not 'take over' people's lives and that people will likely just shift the time they spend on TVs/PCs and 2D screens into immersive platforms like VR/AR.

He thinks that the VR they are working on cannot replace reality and isn't meant for that - but is instead going to be a great way to do things when reality can't provide.

>“Meta plans to spend the next five to 10 years building an immersive virtual world, including scent, touch and sound to allow people to get lost in VR.”

This is also just bad journalism. It's just a random sentence that the author made up.

> cause i’ve seen Mark talk about the metaverse shit like 20 times and he clearly states that it’ll become indistinguishable from reality.

Yes, from a visual/audio standpoint. He sometimes talks about how multisensory integration and the brain's plasticity allows people to have believable experiences in VR despite only two senses being functional, because the brain is very good at filling in the rest.

That's what he meant. Having experiences that are indistinguishable from reality because the brain can fill in the rest.

And even then, he makes it clear that this is not uniform. He has said that you can't replicate reality in every scenario, and that some things will feel more real and others less so.

> Elon has even said on the Babylon Bee podcast that neuralink would be able to let you play games online like in sword art online.

Maybe one day, but they are far from approaching writing detailed signals to a human brain.