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PrinceOfLies0 t1_j15fcdl wrote

> Can you confidently choose 5 careers you think will still be available to a regular person in 10 to 20 years? I could take some guesses, but I wouldn't be confident about them

  • Priest
  • Politician
  • Any labour that can't be efficiently automated. Making robots traverse earth is still astoninglishly difficult (Even the foremost "naturally moving" robots are usually highly scripted)

MercuriusExMachina t1_j17youu wrote

Even the raw version of GPT-3 from 2020 was better than most priests at being priest.


oldmanhero OP t1_j15p14l wrote

Traverse earth as in move through natural terrain? What is your perspective on things like the Boston Dynamics robots, which only accept high-level navigation controls?


PrinceOfLies0 t1_j16fd7a wrote

I specifically had those in mind. It is my understanding that the robot traversing those obstacles are commonly highly choreographed via their Choreographer API. It is by no means some real time terrain analysis.


oldmanhero OP t1_j176ffh wrote

Are you talking about the dance and parkour routines? I meant the navigation they use for industrial use, which is not at all like this.