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poutine t1_j1jh61j wrote

Credentials are over. AI will interview people and determine their ability far more accurately than a post secondary credential asserts.


turbofisherman t1_j1k39p8 wrote

Nah. If an AI is able to effectively interview candidates, then there's no point in candidates anymore.


Ok_Homework9290 t1_j1knjxb wrote

Don't know how you reached this conclusion. Interviewing candidates is only one of the many, many things humans can do.

Besides, we already have AI interviewing candidates to some extent.


dxplq876 t1_j29wcna wrote

Yeah the ai will just do the job itself


drsimonz t1_j1l10tr wrote

IMO credentials only really exist for the benefit of people in the business of selling credentials. No industry has credentials when it first comes into existence. Over time, optional credentials become mandatory because laws are passed, and most likely these laws are drafted by lobbyists or "industry leaders" working for the credentialing entities. In other words, they exist because of corruption, not because of any real market need. I doubt these entrenched organizations are going to let AI interview software cut into their bottom line...