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el_chaquiste t1_j1k9k8h wrote

Web 1.0 and 2.0 were about putting information available and then trying to organize it to be found (HTTP, search engines, wikis, social networks, etc).

I won't speak of 3.0 'cause the term was hijacked and it was a huge fiasco.

But the next one, will be the true semantic web, mentored by nearly all-knowing AIs showing you the facts in carefully explainted terms, and providing immediate responses with information, not just data.

This is nothing like the past, because it will be an intelligent agent synthesizing the facts as an actual human expert would, and giving you those at first request. No fuss with seaching and investigating.

Of course, you still could search to verify the AI provided response, but soon people will find they are very reliable, despite some lingering tendency to fabulism (they just won't admit their ignorance yet).