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ebolathrowawayy t1_j1zukx7 wrote

A fleet of driverless cars solves 2 (less parking space needed, less congestion due to increased driving ability), 4 (less car ownership, lower number of total cars), 5, (less cars needed). Point #3 isn't really saying anything.

A fleet of driverless cars allows people to have the comfort they're not willing to give up while allowing them to no longer need to own a car. As soon as a reliable driverless fleet exists, I would ditch my car forever. Current limitations of uber are 1) there's a driver which makes everything awkward, 2) waiting too long for arrival, 3) cost, 4) range. A driverless fleet would fix all of those problems.

Frankly, people are not going to give up their car to sit next to smelly strangers in public transport until driverless is ubiquitous.

Your number 6 is completely true. To fix #1, we need massive fission rollout while transitioning to fusion. Doesn't fix everything irt to #1, but it helps.