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OldWorldRevival OP t1_j0lnvgo wrote

Perception of public opinion is powerful.

People think that they don't matter, that their voice doesn't matter but it absolutely matters.

North Korea and China will forever be behind the USA on the AI front, even if we do it more ethically. North Korea is a joke.


-NotAFederalAgent- t1_j0m3av7 wrote

>China will forever be behind the USA on the AI front

where are you getting this info from? china is pouring millions into AI right now. this take seems insane to me lol.


AsheyDS t1_j0lp8g6 wrote

>China will forever be behind the USA on the AI front

Only if the USA continues development unabated.


Wassux t1_j0m9mx3 wrote

You correct me if I'm wrong. You have no clue?

Edit: downvoting me is pointless. Since he said we can do something I'd like to know what.
