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OldWorldRevival OP t1_j0md448 wrote

> It's not exploiting. Are humans exploiting when they learn from others?

Lets say someone is a very technically talented artist, but isn't very visionary. There are a good number of people like this, where they paint pretty boring subject matter, just do it well but in a very derivative way.

Now say that some artist is friends with someone who is developing an art style, and then this person, who is very creative, comes up with a powerful, unique art style.

But then this artist copies the style and becomes famous for developing the style, even though their friend did it.

This is what AI art does at scale - it does something that is equally unethical when a person does it. It's just that for the human element of it, usually people are protected by a de facto copyright system where you can trace who originated an art style by seeing publishing dates, posting online, that sort of thing. Reputation, basically. AI gives people the ability to steal style before someone develops reputation.

So, yes, sometimes humans are exploiting others when they learn from them.


gantork t1_j0mkzfn wrote

Every artist alive today has learned from, taken inspiration and copied other people. It's imposible to come up with a unique art style at this point, unless you lived completely isolated and never looked at anyone else's art in your life. By your logic all artists are unethical and exploitative.


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j0mrnb6 wrote

> By your logic all artists are unethical and exploitative.


That's an absolutely asinine conclusion that you stated just to be inflammatory because you're probably kind of an asshole troll type.

Some artists are absolute asshats and do rip people's ideas off rapidly, or collage people's work into photoshop other people's work and paint over it (which is highly frowned upon). Doing stuff like that can destroy your reputation and cost you your professional career.

AI art is basically an automated version of what is already considered bad form.

You seem like you'd be one of these asshats if you actually took up art.


gantork t1_j0mu7x0 wrote

The truly asinine thing here is how quick you are to start insulting me.

Your own arguments and way of thinking are what lead to that conclusion even if you don't realize it.

I completely disagree with all your takes but whatever think what you want, I'm not gonna waste more time with this.


ouaisouais2_2 t1_j0myebu wrote

the richest miners are not those who are the first to find an ore. the richest are those who follow those who are the first to find an ore


AndromedaAnimated t1_j0mqs2y wrote

And the example you just gave would not be any copyright infringement or amoral behavior by the way.

If the „mediocre“ artist draws and paints better pictures than the „creative“ one, then the „mediocre“ artist will get famous and the „creative“ one will not. Skill is just as important as idea. Without the mediocre friend, no one would probably even hear of the idea the visionary had.

Then there is luck, marketing, rich parents, a sponsor or sugar daddy/mommy… Lots of ifs and buts on the way to successful living as an artist.

And it’s all not amoral. Not wrong. And has nothing to do with theft.

You cannot steal art actually unless you pick up the physical picture and take it with you. Once you put something on the net, you loose control of its use. I don’t get why instead of crying the artists not just use AI too? To improve their art?


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j0msq1r wrote


Not going to get anywhere with you, clearly for the same reason I don't try to teach a dog calculus.



AndromedaAnimated t1_j0mu4ne wrote

Thank you for showing that you are not a respectful and fair human. All your points in this moral debate have thus been proven wrong, as you are an amoral person.

Border Collies are kinda good at math, by the way.