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WarImportant9685 t1_j0mis5x wrote

yeah, IF we succeed in AI alignment to singular entity whether it is corporation/singular human. The question become the age old question of humankind that is, greed or altruism?

What will the entity that gain the power first do, I'm more inclined to think that we are just incapable of knowing the answer yet. As it is too situational to whom the power is attained first.

Unaligned AGI is a whole different beast tho.


AsheyDS t1_j0mn7la wrote

>The question become the age old question of humankind that is, greed or altruism?

It doesn't have to be either or. I think at least some tech companies have good intentions driving them, but are still susceptible to greed. But you're right, we'll have to see who releases what down the line. I don't believe it will be just one company/person/organization though, I think we'll see multiple successes with AGI, and possibly within a short timespan. Whoever is first will certainly have an advantage and have a lot of influence, but others will close the gap, and I refuse to believe that all paths will end in greed and destruction.