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Wassux t1_j0qv84t wrote

Please stop the strawman bs. I never said AI is sentient. Nor did I say it is acting on it's own. It does learn exactly like a human does. The structure is exactly the same as brain structure. Source: I'm an AI engineer (or at least will be in a couple of months, finishing my master)

Human brain works by making connections between synapses, these connections are then given a weight. (Works with amperage of electrical signals in the brain). An AI has nodes that are given weights in math. So you get matrix multiplication, exactly like the human brain. Except way less efficient. Although we're working on edge AI chips that either have memory integrated in the processor or analog chips to completely copy the human brain.

And the method of learning is also very similar to humans. So imagine it as an AI learning from other humans. Just like humans learn from other humans.

You may not like it, but that's how it works.