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Diaza_Kinutz t1_j2ccghr wrote

I admire your optimism but I don't think the elite ruling class is going to allow us to just live our best lives once everything is automated. They're going to cull the "useless eaters" to conserve resources.


Jayco424 t1_j2chsfs wrote

Depends on how quickly things transition into post scarcity, in fact that's probably the defining point on whether things go dystopian or utopian. If the PS transition happens rather quickly on the tails of mass automation and AGI - within a decade or two - or if mass automation simply opens the way for a newer "prestige" jobs such as planing and building Space Mines and Colonies with AGI then I think the class system may well - to a degree - dissolve and we end up a Star Trek like future, if the PS transition is late or delayed, say it doesn't happen for may decades - or doesn't happen at all - until after AGI and automation begins to obsolete the workforce, then advanced Neo-Feudalism will ensue and you will have a very Cyberpunk world not unlike blade runner or most SciFi Dystopia.