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Lawjarp2 t1_j1oq6lk wrote

IQ tests lose relevance completely on non human subjects. If LLM's were trained for IQ tests they would be exceptional at it, but they may still not be able to have a simple conversation. IQ tests presume that a great deal of abilities to be normal and common to all humans. AI could lack a lot of them and still beat all humans on IQ tests.


supernerd321 t1_j1p89o4 wrote

Common misconception

IQ tests measure g which has nothing to do with "being human" it's a general theory of cognitive function


red75prime t1_j1pkrjg wrote

There's no (universally accepted) general theory of cognitive function though. G factor is a part of a model that fits experimental data: performance on all cognitive tasks tend to positively correlate (for human subjects, obviously).

LLMs (as they are today) have limitations that will not allow them to achieve human-level performance on many tasks. So, g factor model of cognitive performance doesn't fit LLMs.


Lawjarp2 t1_j1pvmht wrote

I never said that. I meant it doesn't measure a lot of things because most of those things are common.


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1pzr5s wrote

Are you aware that humans can be trained to get better in IQ tests and that most tests have a cultural bias?