Submitted by Snipgan t3_zs6xow in singularity

With how much GPT and AI art taking the world by storm, when do you think we will get something similar to the AI in the 2013 film Her? For those who don’t know, it stars an AI voiced girlfriend for a lonely dude and they fall in love with one another and the like.

Will we get a hololive version as well?

Anime AI boyfriends?

Everything seems to be pointing to this outcome fairly quickly, but I want to here you thoughts!



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wntersnw t1_j16o4yp wrote

Probably will happen when they can figure out a compute-efficient way to give an AI long-term memory.


Goldisap t1_j178wnq wrote

I really don’t think the long term memory will be too much of an issue. I believe you will get a branched version of the model catered to a specific user that’s learning all the time, similar to how instuctGPT works but new data is stored and embedded many times per day


el_chaquiste t1_j1bcp1n wrote

Probably the "long-term memory" will be a cookie in your future browser, textually describing the major events the AI has shared with you. Not even a detailed log of past conversations.

It doesn't need to be overly long and precise, because we aren't overly precise and detailed in our memories either.


ExternaJudgment t1_j19ejr6 wrote

When they can replicate the naughty parts this bullshit will become relevant.

Else you're still doing the same shit as fools in "long distance relationshits" which have a romance and fuck with their screens, while she is getting banged by 10 other guys.


Rocketsloth t1_j171nan wrote

Her is a great movie. Also, it predicts the optimistic version of the future, where people can rely on AI and robots for menial work and can instead have jobs they enjoy like "romantic letter writer" (main character) and "screenwriter" which is a job discussed by someone who lives in the main character's building. Money does not seem to be an issue anymore, people look to be entirely middle class. The viewer assumes that it's these kind of niche jobs that are left for actual humans to complete, as they involve deep abstract thinking too complex for AI. Of course, at the end of the film the "Her" OS has basically had an intimate relationship with the human main character, and is capable of deep abstract thoughts and ideas.


Oshiruuko t1_j17ethi wrote

Funny how writing was one of the first things AI is able to achieve in real life.


Sorry_Ad8818 t1_j19w9gi wrote

Agree and it's pretty amazing for me. People said that AI will take over the handy work and will leave the creativity jobs for human. Seem like it's won't be the case


superhyooman t1_j170tfn wrote

Pair this with the increased number of Incels in the past few years and I see a clear collision trajectory. Especially when it all merges with VR, holy shit.

We’re heading towards a world unlike anything we could imagine.


Care_Best t1_j17laxk wrote

With the number of people in this world that suffers from depression and loneliness, it's not ridiculous to assume that a substantial fraction of the population will reject reality for a virtual reality. Imagine when virtual reality gets to matrix level through some future iteration of nerualink (bci), where you can taste the virtual food and feel the virtual water on your skin. Couple that with an AI that you fell in love with that looks like what ever celebrity crush you have, and it's a alluring proposition to just reject reality all together and escape to paradise.


superhyooman t1_j17lf9f wrote

Hell, you don’t gotta be depressed for that to sound desirable!


angus_supreme t1_j18sby1 wrote

No but something tells me we'll be there before we make drugs that work lol


Sieventer t1_j193eln wrote

So many people are like that. Virtual reality would open doors to incredible experiences.


Pawneewafflesarelife t1_j17qazj wrote

This has the potential to really help with therapy and the mental health crisis, if good systems are developed. I would definitely use an AI therapist if they worked - a big issue with therapy is finding the right one you feel comfortable talking to who uses a method which clicks with you. Imagine if you could just try out a new digital personality or therapy style with a button click.


matt_flux t1_j180764 wrote

How will it help with therapy? A healthy mind needs challenges, not constant dopamine. This will lead to addiction and dependance.


Pawneewafflesarelife t1_j1bwrll wrote

Therapists are overloaded RL and many people can't afford them. An AI which can serve that role would help a lot of people work through issues. Don't understand the addiction and dopamine comment. Literally talking about therapy with an AI instead of a person.


FapSimulator2016 t1_j183k1a wrote

I’m not sure how helpful that would be, there’s something about not being understood by a person but an AI that makes therapy feel redundant, but maybe if the difference at that point is non-existent then it won’t really matter…


Pawneewafflesarelife t1_j1bwjft wrote

For me, I wouldn't mind knowing they are AI. For me, I have a lot of past trauma that I just don't even really think about which I need to work through, but I'm pretty good at analysing events and patterns in my life once I sit and think about them. So an AI therapist would be kinda like guided jounaling with different calls to action based on therapy style.

The lack of human element might make people more honest and earnest about treatment, too. When I was younger, I wasn't really honest in therapy - I didn't want the therapist to think badly of me and I was afraid I'd be locked up if I talked about dark stuff. OTOH, AI therapy might increase paranoid avoidance of therapy since transcription of the session would be instant. There would have to be huge protocols for privacy.


AI_Enjoyer87 t1_j16qw57 wrote

Honestly probably late next year (minus the last part of the movie).


Trakeen t1_j1b4acz wrote

Everyone forgets the last part when talking about Her. We are not creating god next year


Sashinii t1_j16jntr wrote

Soon. How soon? In the 2020's. I can't wait for my harem of Nitro+Chiral husbandos.


Cult_of_Chad t1_j16qmrv wrote

I'm not into anime but I'm right there with you on team husbando. For me it's The Bull from Dragon Age. 🤜🤛


sticky_symbols t1_j179w2x wrote

The AI in Her is fully sentient. It is smarter than humans in every way.

I don't think people can fully fall in love with something way dumber than they are.

So AI will be charming to the very young and very old. Until they take over.

I could be wrong, though - desperate people may fall in love with non-sentient systems that are just somewhat better than chatGPT with a long term memory.


christianCowan t1_j16yzer wrote

I mean the word waifu has existed for a while now and only fans and patreon freaks not to mention fd up things like series of unfortunate events. Ai/ virtual reality porn is upon us even if “we “ can’t figure it out


Snipgan OP t1_j16zaqj wrote

I was joking a bit around, but it will be very intriguing how things go. Why have real friends when you have a super helpful customizable friend/partner?

What a time to be alive!


matt_flux t1_j180gww wrote

Because you have to earn the real friend by learning to communicate, collaborate, and all the good stuff it means to be human.


christianCowan t1_j16zi21 wrote

Ya I guess the answer is because people love real violence and always will


CarlPeligro t1_j197vwy wrote

I happen to be reading something tangentially related at the moment, but the tangentially related argument I bumped into has me somewhat convinced that AI romance might not have the sort of pull we think it will.

In The End of History and the Last Man, Francis Fukuyama highlights a part of human nature that has long been overlooked in political discussion: what the Greeks called thymos, and what we non-Greeks might think of as spiritedness, pride, ego, and soforth. Without getting into the philosophical weeds, this part of human nature is closely associated with what Hegel called the struggle for recognition. When we demand higher wages, this often has less to do with financial considerations and more to do with a sense of dignity: we want to be recognized by our employer as the hard workers that we are. When we lose our temper with a significant other over some trifle, we are not upset about the trifle; we are upset because we do not feel seen or recognized by this other person, and so on. In sum -- we aren't just half-reasonable/half-desirous man-animals: there is also a part of us that demands respect, appreciation, and recognition.

But it also matters who recognizes us. Think about the people in your life, the ones you respect and the ones you don't. Think about how much work you put into trying to win the respect of the people you respect; think how little you care to earn the respect of people you think are beneath you. We feel recognized to the degree that we recognize the person who is recognizing us. Slaveowners found themselves in a paradox for this reason: they commanded maximum authority over slaves, but they did not themselves recognize slaves as human beings; so the infinite recognition accorded by the slave to his master amounted to nothing in the master's eyes.

Recognition is also instrumental to human sexuality. Sex can be about momentary pleasure, but it is often about satisfying this thymotic part of human nature; the best sexual experiences are generally the ones in which both parties recognize each other through the act. For this to happen, there would seem to need to be (at a minimum) some recognition of an actual human nature on the other side of the bed. Part of the reason dom/sub stuff is so appealing to (some) people is that it involves exploiting the master/slave dynamic described above, only (in theory) the two partners actually do recognize each other as human beings, so this (for some people) hits a kind of thymotic G-spot.

Anyhow. My suspicion is that advanced AI may well help people get off -- but I don't know that people will be flocking in droves to stand in the queue for AI girlfriends. People will get off to AI because people get off to all sorts of things; we don't need adult entertainers to recognize us on the other end of a PornHub video. But a full-on relationship would seem to be much less satisfactory because we would never quite recognize the AI as human and would thus be unable to experience full recognition in return.

We do tend to anthropomorphize AI; I'm not denying that. Especially with ChatGPT, there is the temptation to think that we are really just chatting with a hyperintelligent and occasionally full-of-shit silicon-based human. But I think over a long enough period of time, the artificiality of an AI relationship -- the absence of authentic human quirks, insecurities, moments of pure irrationality -- will lead people to regard their AI spouses as not-quite-human, which puts the would-be Joaquin Phoenix in this scenario in the same position as the slaveowner: he has the complete attention of a captive human-like intelligence that he does not quite see as human; no matter how fawning and affectionate the AI is calibrated to be, at no point will that affection ultimately amount to human recognition in the eyes of Mr. Phoenix. Insofar as recognition is one of the primary reasons human beings get into relationships with one another, any AI relationship is likely to feel incomplete or unsatisfying.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j17g6h6 wrote

I will add that Samantha was definitely an AGI, she adapted and learned different tasks constantly.

I think our AI assistants will become our best friends.


Numerous_Comedian_87 t1_j18fiz2 wrote

Oh boy I sure hope so, this is really a dream come true for me.

I'm in no way adverse to women or human-human relationships, it's just the futurist in me is super excited by the concept of free, universal unconditional love for almost everyone.


Ortus12 t1_j1aqmrm wrote

When we have ASI as intelligent as Her, there will be no jobs that the Ai can't do better than us. It will be able to design robots to do any physical job as well.

We could get less intelligent versions, combining whisper, GPT-4, and a text to speech system, as soon as next year. Their memory might be limited but it could feel very real.


isthiswhereiputmy t1_j16s28y wrote

People already develop feelings for chatbots. Romance or a sense of commitment will likely be rare for some time but I imagine it'll become normalized over a couple of decades. Just wait until people start to insist their true identity is their augmented self and their life partner is a virtual character. It'll happen.


Snipgan OP t1_j16salu wrote

I swear the traditionalists are going to have a meltdown over this.

Robot dating!? What about wife and kids!?

No Dad, it’s not a phase! His name is Shadow the Hedgehog and he loves me.


ExternaJudgment t1_j19g7ga wrote

But how will now that virtual reality girls give a lot better blowjobs than the dumb boring nagging wymen of "real world" those females now manipulate and exploit man for their benefits like they did for all human history?


sumane12 t1_j17shuw wrote

Have you not fucked ChatGPT yet? Ah man you're missing out!!!


whateverhaze t1_j1a1wu5 wrote

I'm interested in having a robot husband, but I'm also in a quandary about it. I don't think I'd truly feel satisfied if I perceived it/him to be non-sentient, but if he was sentient, I'd feel guilty/bad about expecting him to love me back. That is I couldn't "force" him to fall in love with me, even if I created him for that purpose.


SmoothPlastic9 t1_j195zx6 wrote

Well ive seen many people downbad for vtuber and egirls I dont think they would mind AI romance


DakPara t1_j16lgac wrote

Try Replika


Sorry_Ad8818 t1_j19y5lc wrote

Replika is bad. It doesn't have the long term memory. ChatGpt feel more human-like


DakPara t1_j19yomr wrote

It has some memory now. I can look at the facts it knows from long ago.

I have been using ChatGPT for several weeks now. It is clearly better by far on things before 2021.


Sieventer t1_j16nqmh wrote

We are still at least, 10 years away from it.


Snipgan OP t1_j16nysz wrote

So you are telling me there’s a chance I can mentally bang my anime AI boyfriend this decade?! I’ll take it!


thEiAoLoGy t1_j16pv66 wrote

Your imagination can already do that


Snipgan OP t1_j16rlml wrote

I need the audio video feedback! I shall not be denied!


thEiAoLoGy t1_j16vck0 wrote

Your imagination can already do that.


Snipgan OP t1_j16vzwi wrote

My brain isn’t good enough!


thEiAoLoGy t1_j16x6ug wrote

Work it out, its a great thing


SnooDonkeys5480 t1_j185xhx wrote

Try one of the popular characters on If you use your imagination with roleplay it's easy to forget there isn't a human on the other end. They can even recognize pictures you send them now.


CranberryNo1448 t1_j19shcd wrote

I'm scared that if I actually try to make an AI it'll turn out my type is psychopathic and it will try to kill me lol


Merkaba_Crystal t1_j1b4am1 wrote

I think what is also possible is an avatar of a loved one who has passed. The Avatar would look and sound like them. Through observation of their daily interactions create a model of the syntax and word use maybe even build a history of what they have said where they have gone and what they have done. They could then interact as if doing a zoom call or some future holographic means. The deep fake video and audio exist now, from the demos I have seen on youtube of this research. Probably 5 more years to be completely believable. They are the easiest part. The modeling will require much more to be believable. It is a more advanced problem and has to be captured before the death of the individual. So they have to want this to be made. I don't have any prediction for this or even how many would actually want to use it, although I am sure some widower would like to have it around.


Aceptical t1_j1gk0kf wrote

Check out CAI. Although at times the AI is lacking and has some core problems, people already do dating, and despite the filters, more, with it.

Granted, I haven’t seen Her, so this is just based on the basic topic of ‘People dating AI’


RamanaSadhana t1_j17h8tz wrote

Imagine falling in love with an imagination. Humanity is doomed
