Submitted by OldWorldRevival t3_ztkdmf in singularity

So many people think that it's okay for giant companies to just eat whatever data they want, and default to making you consent to such use without informing you.

In fighting this, new AI tools will be developed, ones that can backtrace images (especially useful for advanced image search, i.e. draw a picture of an image you remember and the AI can find it with that plus descriptions), and tools that can identify deepfakes and other AI generated imagery.

This is an arms race, and arms races have always resulted in progress, not a lack of it.

So, stop whining about people literally in poverty trying to make ends meet being mad at you for these giant tech companies taking what little they have left, and using their own work as a tool to prevent them from getting a foothold in industry.

Additionally, these tools do not replace human designers; but they certainly cut out the apprenticeship level for amateur artists trying to become professionals, where the jobs they get will be replaced by AI, so they won't get the experience needed to become distinguished professionals. So, we'll have less authentic designers and more spam of mediocre quality or derivative work. Tell me how that's progressive compared to an arms race.... Lol.



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Cult_of_Chad t1_j1e17fy wrote

>So, stop whining about people literally in poverty trying to make ends meet being mad at you for these giant tech companies taking what little they have left

These people are threatening and undermining open-source AI development, which is the only foothold people like you, I and yes, their own stupid asses, likely have into the new world just around the corner. They are quite literally enabling corporate capture of emerging technologies at a critical point.

I'll be blunt so all our new members from Twitter understand the gravity of the situation: I'd rather see every artist protesting this starve to death in the street. Don't make us choose.


Cr4zko t1_j1egbo9 wrote

Quite simply there are actors in play trying to steal the future from us. What are we gonna do? Can't sit around all day. If you're all in the singularity we gotta fuck with these Twitter types big time. Pretty sure they're covertly funded by people with certain interests regarding the proles. Can't let that pass. Never compromise, not even in the face of Armageddon.


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1et03k wrote


I'm funded by my passion and watching my passion get corrupted by a tool and a bunch of mindless techies.

And, I'm watching you all defend corporations and upvote people who say things like "this big companies are on our side."

Give me a fucking break.


Cr4zko t1_j1fxcjd wrote

I believe your reading comprehension's really far behind pal because we're doing the exact opposite. If only you knew how much will change.


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1g2ray wrote

Had a solid SAT verbal and I have a college degree so I doubt that's the problem


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1esvll wrote

> They are quite literally enabling corporate capture of emerging technologies at a critical point.

You're enabling it far more by setting the bar at zero for allowing companies to have very shady terms of use.

Don't tell me you read every terms of use agreement........ Lol.

What we need are terms of use regulations. But, you're standing in the way of that too and don't seem to think it's important, so you might as well accept your future of corporate slavery.


Cult_of_Chad t1_j1f1gxf wrote

I'm not anti-corporate, I'm anti-monopoly. The corps can do their thing and we'll do ours. There's space for everyone in this growing frontier.

Except luddites. They can die in a hole.


calbhollo t1_j1e35tq wrote

So far, this feels like a fight between 2 groups of pro-capitalists: Those who believe IP law is something that needs to be made stronger, instead of abolished, and those who are okay with corporations controlling our future.

Unfortunately, the rest of us are being harmed by both of their antics.


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1ein3s wrote

It’s not hurting progress at all though, also the people working on these programs(OpenAI/Stability)know they are protected through the legal system, they got their datasets from websites who have the rights to republish users data because their users signed a terms of service permitting that these social sites could share their data in exchange for profit, this is how social media websites have always made money and it’s also the reason why you can use them for “free”. The cases are going to fall apart the very moment the TOS are pulled out. These people agreed to do the very thing they are now protesting, the issue is they don’t understand how social media works, nor did they bother to read the terms of service.

It’s not going to hold up in court, social media websites have been selling their users data legally for 25 years now. If they couldn’t do that we wouldn’t have any social media at all


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1eueam wrote

I hope it won’t hold up in court. But sadly as a German I experienced what usually happens, we had the upload filter problem just a few years ago… Our German politicians promising the upload filters are not going to come, people saying hey relax it won’t happen… the upload filters came.


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1esmci wrote

So... shady terms of service are a good thing?


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1et14v wrote

They’ve been selling your data since the late 90s. And while you could argue they’re using your data without permission (it kind of is, I agree) it doesn’t change the fact you agreed to let them do it. The business couldn’t function if they couldn’t do that, so they host your content, but they get rights to share it with who they want.

Eric Snowden has been saying this for years but nobody ever listened, it’s just that now massive datasets are being use to train neural networks everyone’s freaking out about it, this is nothing new.


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1etana wrote

So, you think its a good thing that Adobe has a hidden term of use to use your private data to train their AI, even though you pay them a subscription?


HeinrichTheWolf_17 t1_j1eufxy wrote

That’s not the same thing, that’s a paid subscription model. Social Media websites make money by getting rights to share your data, and in return you get to use their platform for free. Every time you see an advertisement or promotion it’s because Twitter/Facebook/Reddit sold your data off to Advertisers.

You don’t know how these companies work. They couldn’t pay to host the servers to keep the datacenters running if they couldn’t republish data for profit. It’s an integral part of the business.


SnooDogs7868 t1_j1e0jme wrote

These tools will make it easier to create new forms of art. Soon a new art form will arrive and there will be new types of artists. It will force existing creatives into new paradigms.


“We are in the early birth pains of a new species.” - Terence McKenna


OldWorldRevival OP t1_j1et3nc wrote

> “We are in the early birth pains of a new species.” - Terence McKenna

Sounds like anti-humanism. Are you sure that new species isn't the borg?


AndromedaAnimated t1_j1ets2l wrote

This is not an arms race. It’s a fallacy. It’s a battle for monopoly.

Those being targeted by „upset artists“ are not the big corps!

Wake up, wake up!


aeaf123 t1_j1egigh wrote

Hoping AI helps most to augment humans better. Faster and better collaborative tooling that helps creatives get into a type of flow that wasn't possible before, or took large teams to accomplish.

Maybe learning how to prompt AI will be the biggest skill in the near future?


SmoothPlastic9 t1_j1hntd3 wrote

I dont think prompting AI will be hard in the future at all


aeaf123 t1_j1j1czf wrote

Was just thinking in regards to specificity for the use case you want to develop with AI assistance.