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leroy_hoffenfeffer t1_j1vz5ls wrote

>If the job losses reach such high numbers this will cause massive social disruptions, likely ushering in the fall of capitalism to be replaced by something like a Cyberocracy (a government run by AI) or socialist or communist ideologies, with the potential of AI to accommodate the basic needs of the population (food, water, electricity, etc).

If you were to take the bulk majority of comments made in this subreddit at face value, you'd walk away thinking most people here would be completely fine with that. I'm glad there are people taking the consequences of the Fourth Industrial Revolution seriously.

>Can and should we give over the autonomy of our governments to the AI? Governed by pure logic and calculations? Unable to understand emotions or empathy? On the other hand it may be able to make many better decisions then our politicians can. Without bias, prejudice, corruption and self interested motivations? China already have AI "advising" every court ruling.

All great questions. Unfortunately, the global political class (outside of Europe in very specific circumstances) are wholly unequipped to provide any answers. Most US congressman barely understand how the internet works, let alone anything more complicated like Machine Learning. Those questions also assume people in power care about Ethics and Philosophy as it relates to technology, which... Is very questionable at best, and totally incorrect at worst.

>This technology is going to change everything and I hope there are people out there thinking about these sorts of things. And more than that, it is moving forward far faster than we have the capacity to think about.

Again, if you take the bulk majority of comments made in this sub reddit at face value... Then we're in for a world of hurt, seeing as most people don't seem to care at all, and actively want to usher in massive social upheaval as it relates to adopting AI across the board, willy nilly.

>don't know the answer, but the ones currently creating the AI make me very concerned about the future.

I don't at the moment know the answer either, and your fears are completely sound: most people don't think about this stuff at all.


Relative_Purple3952 t1_j1w1pnf wrote

I have com to terms with the fact that you are either an accelerationist and just want to get "it" done or a neo-luddite. I don't think there is much if any hope that humanity sits back and asks itself "how should we go about ushering it the next and maybe last human age".


leroy_hoffenfeffer t1_j1w3crl wrote

>I have com to terms with the fact that you are either an accelerationist and just want to get "it" done or a neo-luddite.

I want to try and safely and ethically consider the societal application of AI, and thus I'm a neo Luddite and totally against adopting any technology at all?


Frumpagumpus t1_j1wbsed wrote

lesswrong has been spilling copious amounts of ink on this topic for like 2 decades, talking is done (well actually we are talking about it more than ever and bringing a lot of new people into the conversation), doing is now, what do you want us to do, consult 5 yr oids to see what they think?

in many ways (not all ways) technological progress has stagnated for years up until this point.


leroy_hoffenfeffer t1_j1wd4g0 wrote

I'm not sure what point you're trying to make here.


Frumpagumpus t1_j1wdtft wrote

> I want to try and safely and ethically consider the societal application of AI,

hypotheticals have already been considered ad nauseam, i take this to imply you would advocate for some sort of pause, which I don't think is either possible or desirable.

I am just pointing out it's all been re hashed over and over already


leroy_hoffenfeffer t1_j1wriu5 wrote

>I am just pointing out it's all been re hashed over and over already

Has it though? Capital Hill seems totally and completely incapable of talking about technology in any meaningful way.

Joe Schmoe on Reddit can't do anything to affect national discourse: if the people who matter aren't discussing this, then the conversation has not been had yet.


Frumpagumpus t1_j1wv2by wrote

ok but we on reddit and also, I mean the people talking about it are the ones implementing it (i'm no bigwig but I do have a pull request or two (to mostly unimportant projects)/am api consumer/implementer)

speaking of implenting actual stuff with the api, nothing I plan on in the near future would really have an ethical dimension i dont think. though I could see possibly doing stuff in like a 5+ yr timeframe where I might pause for a second lol.

another thought is that legislation is mostly written by staffers (from what I know of the USA system) and they might be here talking about this stuff...