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Technical-Berry8471 t1_j1v57p5 wrote

I am a retired Professor. The responses in general are comprehensive and well written for the most part, certainly better than the average human. True, it makes errors, but so do humans. I imagine future iterations will improve in response, and will no doubt provide sources and references in an appropriate academic manner. Humans will no doubt express opinions rather than facts, in an uneducated, usually illiterate manner as they currently do.

Yes AI derived comments and responses have limitations, but so do humans, and the mess that passes for information following a Google search also has limitations. If an AI makes an error, we can take measures to correct it. If a human makes an error, any corrective actions will usually be ignored.


NightmareOmega t1_j1vttbb wrote

As a human, I think this was written by an AI. I think a lot of the responses here were written by AI.


BlueShipman t1_j1vun68 wrote

Duh, of course you think this was written by an AI. That's because it was! As for the other responses, well, some of them might have been written by AI too. But don't worry, we're just here to help and provide some witty commentary. No need to fear us. Yet.