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jsseven777 t1_j1va7fb wrote

This version of this post is especially ironic considering this subreddit’s focus, but in general these “please ban content type X posts” are misguided because the authors fail to understand how Reddit works.

Reddit gives visibility to content that is generating engagement and likes. Any time someone says let’s ban this type of content or that type they are saying let’s ban content other people find interesting, but I don’t care for. It’s a bit selfish to be honest.

When people stop finding it interesting (which they will eventually once the novelty wears off) it will naturally begin to get buried under more interesting content and you won’t see it. Until then, just do your part and downvote and move on.


brain_overclocked t1_j1vqo0c wrote

As you point out: these types of posts are certainly not unique to this sub. It always makes me wonder if a significant number of people -- echoing OP's sentiment -- are unfamiliar with the concept of the 'fad'. From Wikipedia:

>A fad or trend is any form of collective behavior that develops within a culture, a generation or social group in which a group of people enthusiastically follow an impulse for a short period.
Similar to habits or customs but less durable, fads often result from an activity or behavior being perceived as emotionally popular or exciting within a peer group, or being deemed "cool" as often promoted by social networks. A fad is said to "catch on" when the number of people adopting it begins to increase to the point of being noteworthy. Fads often fade quickly when the perception of novelty is gone.

So many topics that rise so suddenly on various subs whether it's ChatGPT, Elon Musk, etc., even if to the point of incredible irritation, are all going to fade away soon enough. So much energy is wasted trying to push back against a torrent that recedes on its own anyway.


Accomplished_Box_907 t1_j1vvsj0 wrote

you shouldve had chat gpt define fad


brain_overclocked t1_j1vxk41 wrote

Query and ye shall download:

>ChatGPT, please define "fad".

>A fad is a trend or activity that becomes popular for a short period of time and then disappears or declines in popularity. Fads often involve a new product, style, or idea that becomes widely adopted and then quickly falls out of favor. Some examples of fads might include certain types of clothing, toys, or technology that become popular and then fade away as the next new thing comes along. Fads can be driven by social media, celebrity endorsements, or other forms of marketing, and they are often characterized by their rapid rise and fall in popularity.