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keefemotif t1_j1a42l0 wrote

I applaud your altruistic efforts, but encourage you to focus them on more realistic goals. In the US, climate change as an existential threat is still debated. There's no way legislation on this would pass anytime soon. Private companies will continue to do it and there's nothing you can do about it.

So, how would you suggest approaching the problem knowing you can't slow down training on large datasets? I personally think, we're going to hit a plateau in performance and have another new powerful tool. I think having a good generative net like this is helpful for building an AI but far from sufficient.


a4mula OP t1_j1a50hf wrote

I'm not here for political debate, It's not for me. Every person on this planet, no matter their level of stakeholder in this conversation should agree that it's important that we all have time to consider the implications of this technology. After all, even the mightiest among us, not that I am one, are users of the technology or soon will be.

As such, we should all be very alert of how these machines influence us. Our thoughts, our decisions, the goals we set to accomplish and how we go about accomplishing them.

Because not everyone will have goals that will benefit all of society. Few will. Most will use these machines to benefit themselves or their ideologies. To shape the beliefs of others, and if they're the first to that technology, they will have an advantage over others that might not be overcome.

And that's today. Right now. Available to anyone, whatever their goals might be.