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SumpCrab t1_izcp20j wrote

Even with human artists there is a line that can be crossed between "inspired by" and plagiarism. Some AI work has fully cut and pasted actual artwork with a bit of embellishments. That is wrong and if used in a commercial way, may require royalties.

But that isn't the gut reaction people are feeling when encountering AI artwork.

The real issue is ensuring that man-made art is appreciated and that AI art is labeled as such. There will always be people who create art. With a singularity there are going to be many folks without work and they will choose to push paint around a canvas for fun. I think there is value in maintaining separation between man-made and Computer generated.

Personally, I also have issues with digital artists calling pieces "paintings". It suggests a certain medium has been used when it hasn't and the way an image is created is often as interesting as the piece.


SwipesAndCrappiness t1_izgsyc6 wrote

> The real issue is ensuring that man-made art is appreciated and that AI art is labeled as such.

From everything I have seen the major issue is attribution and financial compensation. I personally see no direct connection between AI art and human art in how it makes me feel. I have seen some AI art that has touched me very deeply just as I have seen some human art that has done the same.

I have some good friends who are artists and honestly feel for them. And I am an aspiring fiction writer looking at the same issue for myself (although thus far these tools have also been hugely helpful for my own productivity so its not all bad). But I think the reality is that when anything changes from being difficult/rare/expensive -> easy/common/cheap it changes everything about that area of life.


Artanthos t1_izdtqf7 wrote

Yes, there is a line that can be crossed, and I would expect AI to be held to the exact same line as a human.

If the art is substantially different, it should not matter what training data was used,

As for appreciation: that is up to the beholder. It’s not something that should be legislated.