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the-sun-is-gone t1_izd7z6k wrote

Im glad you can agree. I went into this subreddit not expecting anybody to agree with me. But Im glad theres atleast fairly sensible people like you who can atleast back me up. Even though it might be grim, theres atleast trending hashtags like #HumanArtists on twitter that show that theres still an overwhelming amount of support for art created by companies that arent performing shady business practices. Honestly id recommend you check out this:

Its really informative, and I feel like letting someone atleast know that people are unhappy about this atleast helps a little bit.

edit cuz i didnt like the way the comment got embedded


Agreeable_Bid7037 t1_izdlpbu wrote

they can complain, but people will still use A.I. to generate art, myself included, and I am an artist.



the-sun-is-gone t1_izehxnu wrote

Then youve just proven yourself to be a part of the problem. Probably only reliant on asset-flipped meshes you found on sketchfab before AI took the limelight.

Your warped idea of "adaption" is the absurd equivalent of the aforementioned human laborers on an assembly line outworking the robotic arm.

If you're an artist yourself, you most likely have no problem posting artwork youve made before? Right?


Agreeable_Bid7037 t1_izepndo wrote

Technology will advance that is inevitable, so you can keep using the typewriter, or move to the computer. People will use the tool which is more efficient regardless of the fact that anyone feels its "unfair".

You can still express yourself in an artistic way, there are just more tools available now.