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the-sun-is-gone t1_izeztv6 wrote

Here we have another example of someone actively avoiding any and all of my statements to subside in a reality to comfort himself with his own preposterous future.

I can promise you very much, in an echochamber like this subreddit, full of self-gratifiying hacks, I dont write these to convince anyone, because I know I wont. The idea of challenging someone elses warped beliefs in an uneven playing field is thrilling, and I already take enough enjoyment out of that alone. If there is anyone who I've convinced with this, I would be extremely happy.

You choose to purposefully avoid any and all of my claims, only to attempt to debunk my claims with a "gotcha" like, "Oh, well it is free so there is not any monetary incentive from it, right?". Take a moment to research the foundations behind these AI creators, you like to willingly avoid seeing them because it shatters your profound reality, but no matter how "free" your copies are of your AI program, their plan is not to create an open source option for users. They are for-profit organizations that reap the rewards of non-profit judistrictional and tax exemptions, whose "capped profits" are baffingly high. But hey thats alright with you I guess, because atleast ITS FREE!

You see your free copies of Stable Diffusion and GPT-JT, I see a honeypot for gullible viewers to get entranced into the beauty of automation without realizing the immediate consequences that happen behind the scenes, away from prying eyes. You listen to "scientists who are actually building this future", I'm listening to a corporates mouthpiece to lull viewers into a dark-age of hyperconsumption, making dream-like promises of a better future. I live in a world where workers should be paid for their work, you live in one where you, like the others, avoid seeing the harsh reality to live in a world where your obligations are passed to a lifeless bot. This song and dance between you and me can continue, but I'd rather you research about the people you vehemently support as if they were your own flesh and blood;

Open AI explaining how they invented their own legal structure because nothing else worked for them:

Stable Diffusion release info with no mention of “artists”:

A great article summarizing the data laundering techniques of AI companies:

Of course, in my naturally "authorative" and "insulting" fashion I could also call you a fruitfly-like person and assume you wont read into any of these, but I'd atleast like to see you try.


[deleted] t1_izf9ohp wrote

>comfort himself with his own preposterous future


>self-gratifiying hacks

>warped beliefs

>your profound reality


>fruitfly-like person

Fascinating. I took a quick glance at your profile. Noticed that "k--- yourself" is also among your repertoire.

Tell me again why anyone should listen to you?

>assume you wont read into any of these

I am very familiar with what Stability AI and OpenAI are doing, both in research and policy. Suffice to say, I'm not interested in being lectured about stuff that I've been following since day one. I'm also not interested in hearing made-up stories about what I believe or who I support.


the-sun-is-gone t1_izff6mb wrote

Thanks for not only once more avoiding to refute any of the sources to back up my claim, but also for scowering through my reddit history to disprove my point by citing my post responding to a literal void for hating on coleslaw.

But I also appreciate for avoiding anything of the statements I made.

Your "made-up stories" are cited right there in my previous response, but that isnt as important to you right? Carry on living in your technocratic-utopian loopyland, and try not to respond to me again. Maybe deconstructing a few more ad-hominems without elaborating on any of your disagreements will totally help you and your point when youre arguing with someone else who is not as close minded as you. I would have had more respect for you if you just outright admitted that you are a corporate apologist.


[deleted] t1_izfj6ri wrote

>technocratic-utopian loopyland

>close minded as you

>corporate apologist

That "k--- yourself" says everything I need to know about you as a person.

And here I see an endless barrage of insults and straw-men. This has nothing to do with me. I'm currently reading this, in a universe utterly disconnected from whatever the hell you're saying about me.

PS: Unless you didn't know, GPT-JT isn't by OpenAI.


the-sun-is-gone t1_izflntb wrote

Theres only one thing I can tell you, cope. I'm sure you have a great little quip to end your sentence off of to weasel yourself out of any attempt of responding to anything I said, mostly because you know im right one way or another.

Edit: Still didnt respond to any of my statements, good work soldier!


[deleted] t1_izfz98r wrote

I draw a hard limit with people who say things like that. Most do.

Over and out.


Sieventer t1_izsvd7y wrote

Honestly, I wish I'd able to respond to all your arguments. But you have made such a massive text that it is a very arduous task to have to answer one by one.

I would like to chat with you about this, but in a more interactive way, because reading such a great book is hard to digest