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FistaFish t1_izi1xmg wrote

Commodity production, exchange and circulation still exist. The means of production should not be worker owned, but socially owned. A co-op will not cease to have a capitalist nature because of the owner being the workers, but the workers will take up all the necessary roles of the capitalist.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izi35uz wrote

Look, you seem to have your heart in the right place but right now you are in contrarian mode and you only care about winning the internet argument and won't hear. So I won't bother. Spend more time thinking about this and good luck there.


FistaFish t1_izi3b5j wrote

alr, whatever, I guess Marxism is contrarianism then..


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izidfqt wrote

Again, heart in the right place.

Co-ops are very much marxism.

If you think Marx suggested central ownership you never read Marx.


FistaFish t1_izihw0h wrote

"To be a capitalist, is to have not only a purely personal, but a social status in production. Capital is a collective product, and only by the united action of many members, nay, in the last resort, only by the united action of all members of society, can it be set in motion.

Capital is therefore not only personal; it is a social power.

When, therefore, capital is converted into common property, into the property of all members of society, personal property is not thereby transformed into social property. It is only the social character of the property that is changed. It loses its class character."

Literally in the communist manifesto. I could start quoting capital if you'd like, I have all three volumes at my desk right now.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izjxi1h wrote

And you read that as government ownership?


FistaFish t1_izjxnh9 wrote

no? Who said anything about governments?


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izk37e0 wrote

What do you mean by social ownership? Who exactly owns what exactly, and through what institutions?


FistaFish t1_izk3k8k wrote

I thought you were supposed to be the Marx expert, considering you said I haven't read him. So why don't you tell me, since Marx has given the answer to that question so many times.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izk85rd wrote

Right. You don't know how to answer the question. I thought you were supposed to be the Marx expert.


FistaFish t1_izk8g4q wrote

You have already called me stupid, said I haven't read Marx, that I'm just a contrarian, etc etc. You've also said you were going to give up talking to me, yet you're still here. I have already understood you don't want to listen to me, so I'm just having fun for as long as you'll let me.


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izk9fpr wrote

You are literally answering me in seconds when I take multiple hours between the convo because I enjoy wasting my employer's time during work. Who do you think is having fun?

You want social ownership without co-ops and without government. So when your gotcha must be either small communities (that is still government but small), or anarchist (that is delusional borderline libertarian unless you have co-ops) I don't know what else to do but laugh really hard


FistaFish t1_izkhpdv wrote

You keep putting words in my mouth it's fucking hilarious


ChurchOfTheHolyGays t1_izmji5q wrote

Hi kid, you think you sound clever but the problem for you is everyone reading this knows what the options are, you don't need to reveal your "secret sauce" for social ownership.

You say it is social ownership but: it isn't central government, it isn't community governments, it isn't co-ops, it isn't capitalist and it isn't delusional anarcho-goodwill-pipedream.

Your problem: there is no other option.

You can't sit there and attempt to pretend you hold another answer for a debate which is literally centuries old, with hundreds of authors already having published the well known alternatives.

This is exactly why your "uh oh I won't say what it is and then just claim you are putting words in my mouth" can't work in this context: because nobody will give 2 seconds credit to the idea that you may be some genius who came up with an yet unknown and highly plausible solution for this problem yet spends time on Reddit instead of publishing a best selling book.

I will not get a notification from you so don't even bother writing.