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Drown_The_Gods t1_izgmv9k wrote

>chatGPT scored a 1020 on the SAT and 110 on an iq test. while the iphone was an instant way to find information, ai can refine that information to anything.

I know that seems impressive, but until you’re sitting in front of something new and crack out google, or now chatGPT, and don’t know enough to know that it can’t help here, you’ll fuck up in a way only usually possible by someone with sub 80 IQ.

My point is that just so long as you‘re smart, diligent, and experienced enough to actually do the work anyway, yes it can save you lots of time.

The absolute genius of this stuff is that it turns how we interact with computers on it’s head. It’s no longer garbage in garbage out, but ‘anything up to a certain level of garbage in, something less than complete garbage out’. I find that exciting. But it does have a ceiling.

It is a great tool. I have been using it to summarise old reports, and it’s saved me days. It’s just that it can’t be trusted when the pedal hits the metal.

Roll on the next generation.


innovate_rye OP t1_izgo09r wrote

yea i make sure to balance out braindead just throw my hw in gpt vs. actually knowing ur stuff. i said biology internship at the end bc u cant rly be a dummy to get that. chatgpt is great at explaining answers it gives but i make sure to cross reference the info