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fluffy_assassins t1_j26ewvt wrote

We can't even take care of the homeless...


theshadowturtle OP t1_j26f7vu wrote

Exactly. It’ll get so much worse, so we need to think about things ahead of time in my opinion.


fluffy_assassins t1_j26fmvk wrote

A lot of people claim the homeless have no right to shelter! How do we fix that?


theshadowturtle OP t1_j26g9rd wrote

It’s a great question! If that were easy, we’d be in a lot better shape lmao.

The UN human rights declaration has things like food, water, and shelter as basic rights, which it’s hard to disagree with. Plus it’s the UN. So maybe that has some credibility? Idk


AdorableBackground83 t1_j26mw2v wrote

The UN is just a morons who give off good lip service.

If they were truly that altruistic you know what they would do. They would create vertical farms immediately and distribute those yields for free to those who need it the most.


sheerun t1_j27kqca wrote

We already have surplus of food and vertical farms are very inefficient. The problem is distribution and good will, not production


NoRexTreX t1_j287b3k wrote

In terms of energy. Which makes vertical farming unprofitable in these times but still has great potential in a future if we are able to source an abundance of energy without a large environmental footprint. Such as for countries that invest in nuclear power now because they are thinking ahead.


HumanSeeing t1_j28hxiz wrote

The UN is simply, how to say.. providing guidelines. It has no power to change laws in any country. They are certainly not morons.


wowadrow t1_j29z6ql wrote

Thats the crazy part of the halo games a useful UN that protects humanity no way.


Traditional-Job8568 t1_j28pdwz wrote

UN human rights are a joke like Geneva convention as people joke about it saying its more like geneva suggestion UN human rights are the same if something is not being enforced it is not kept to the standarts and UN has no incentive to undertake massive requirments it would need to enact to fullfill both of these concepts worldwide unregulated rules are not much of a rule at all humans break rules as long as there is nothing to dissuade them


civilrunner t1_j27uu4t wrote

First we just have to realize that allowing existing homeowners to block construction of housing shouldn't be allowed. Then we need to ensure that infill developments are encouraged through subsidies over greenfield developments.

Housing is soo unaffordable for so many because we allow housing developments to be blocked so easily. If food was the same way we'd have far more starving people and only organics would ever be grown.

After we fix the market for housing then a housing stipend program similar to food stamps could fix the rest.

When we talk about UBI and AGI and mass automation things change a lot due to the massive wealth generation that would create.


konaislandac t1_j27n8df wrote

Allow recovery to take place separate from the need to earn capital

The disconnect between capitalism and the homeless is (imo) a matter of loss of dignity by trading the ability to earn capital with addiction to destructive behavior

That’s an oversimplification, but it is a failure to reconcile “earnings” with “deservings”.

The easy conversation there to /start/ is UBI

The tougher conversation to continue is what needs to come in (income), vs what needs to be shared


GenoHuman t1_j29pa6l wrote

You replace all people with AI so they are in the same position as the homeless, now it matters more than anything!


cydude1234 t1_j28u7vn wrote

Put whoever thinks that in a concentration camp


DukkyDrake t1_j28k9gd wrote

It's not so much that they don't have a right to shelter, but more that they don't have a right to demand that you should work a few hrs a week to provide them with shelter.

> A right does not include the material implementation of that right by other men; it includes only the freedom to earn that implementation by one’s own effort.


fluffy_assassins t1_j28uk2l wrote

You disgust me.

No one should be forced to live on the street.

No one has to work a "few extra hours" to provide shelter. You divide it up and it gets really cheap. Nothing compared to what's WASTED, not spent, but the part that's actually WASTED on the military.

Denying people shelter just makes you cruel and inhuman.

Richest country in the World. There is no excuse.


DukkyDrake t1_j2905nm wrote

What disgusts me, people that think they have a right to demand free labor from others.


fluffy_assassins t1_j2anudw wrote

So if the homeless can't get jobs because homeless, fuck em right?

What are you, a libertarian?
what next, taxation is theft?

Give me a break.


Shelfrock77 t1_j26h6rh wrote

As we continue to merge with AI, I think “depopulation” will happen. Our consciousness won’t depopulate, only our biology. That’s what I genuinely think will happen long term. The best part is, we won’t care. However, UBI will still be implemented to varying degrees.


boharat t1_j2802no wrote

That's the thing, we can, but we don't